Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Keep Plugging Away

Perhaps the most frequent message I give, either in whole or part, is “don’t give up” on important things in life. Keep plugging away no matter how challenging an issue may be. Persevere. Endure. If you fall down get back up. Don’t be discouraged when something is hard. Stay after it. If you love something, pursue it despite any difficulties. I know keeping an optimistic attitude in these things is a key to life.

My wife loves to dance but certain moves her instructor gives her are not easy. I watch her work and work at them. Learning to surf takes work. Becoming an accomplished artist or athlete takes time and perseverance. Relationships that break down take effort but it’s always worth it.

Here is a video that I think is excellent. Simply stated and spoken with self-effacing honesty, it gives a tremendous message. Thanks to Mary Hurlbut for sending it.

Just ClickWhat Ira Glass Explains In 1-Minute Will Change Your Life Forever. Seriously.

From Pastor Sam: For the next year, hundreds of students will sit in these seats listening to the Gospel, praying and singing to Jesus. Some know Him, some do not. Join us on Tuesday and Thursday nights in prayer that He would do a mighty individual work in each one of these chairs. That God would soften the hardest hearts, plant deep seeds and many would come to know Him personally.

PrayerLetter9_22_01Other Prayer Needs…

  • Ann Roberson’s daughter Brynne recovering from recent spinal surgery
  • Tremendous persecution of Christians in many countries, especially India, Sudan, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Kenya
  • Young man who attended church on Sunday, just released from five years in prison. “I don’t want to go back.”
  • Friendship for some of the kids going back to school. It isn’t always easy, especially when attending a new school.
  • Edgar, a foster kid, who needs a godly, loving home.
  • Taffy starting a new round of chemo

 Cuba: Nikki and I are leaving for Cuba this Sunday night so the next prayer letter won’t be for two weeks. We’ve talked about visiting this Caribbean island for a few years and recently decided to go for it. Sandy Davis, who attends morning prayer fairly regularly, just returned and gave a glowing report of her experience there.



Cuban cars – a feast for everyone who loves classic cars of the 1940’s and 1950’s. Cuba stopped importing cars for the most part after 1959.

Late Bloomer: “The bud that opens last is usually the prettiest rose”

May God be strong in us where we are weak. He promises so. The Lord said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.”  (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Pastor Jay




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