Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

One Night Alone 12/15/15

“One night alone in prayer might make us new, changed from poverty of soul to spiritual wealth, from trembling to triumphing.”  — Charles Spurgeon

PrayerLetter_20151215This extraordinary photo reminds me that we are all joined together within the human family. 

Prayer Focus This Week

  • Love – to fill our lives, families and the church; and to fill our hearts for God
  • Patience – with those who are difficult for us, who push all our buttons
  • Forgiveness – imparted to everyone who has hurt or wounded us
  • Perseverance – when we feel like giving up or just caving in
  • Humility – to not think more of ourselves than we ought; to stay low before God
  • Connection – a deeper connecting with God, and our family and friends
  • Joy – where there has been discouragement, despondency or sadness
  • Hope – where there has been a feeling of hopelessness or futility
  • Trust – that God will see us through every challenge and difficulty
  • Peace – contentment in all circumstances

 About Peace: Peace is not the absence of conflict, but rest no matter what the conflict.

And: “God will give perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him”  Isaiah 26:3

Our Up-Coming Christmas/Advent/New Year Services…

  • Sunday, December 20 and 27 at 9 am and 10:15 am – Regular Services
  • Sunday, December 20, at 5 pm: Final Advent Service – theme is love
  • Thursday, December 24, at 4:30 and 7 pm: Christmas Eve Services
  • Daily, Upper Room Morning Prayer/Worship, 8-9 am including Christmas morning
  • January 1 at 8 am – New Year’s Morning Prayer (knoll between Moulton Meadow & TOW)
  • January 1 from 6-8 pm – Evening of Worship/Prayer/Contemplation in Sanctuary

Soothing Words: “When you hear words that inspire, or listen to the singing of the minstrels, or hear the sound of the wind in the trees, or the waves breaking upon the shore; then love God all the more because of it.”  Ramon G.

May you all experience a week truly filled with the love of Christ….Pastor Jay