God Speaks In many Tongues: Thought you might like to see what a Chinese Christmas greeting looks like, sent to me from my friend Sufen Tsai, who has been a leader in Singapore and China for many years.
English Translation: Yes, it is Christmas! He came to redeem, to restore, to die and to save! He keeps us alive to live for Him, to impact lives and saves lives by living out our salvation and His Love. He would love to do miracles through our lives if we let Him. Christianity is a lifestyle! We don’t do ministry, we live out ministry, and we are the ministry.
A Blessed Christmas to You: The quote by William Ward below sums up how I feel about Christmas.
Christmas Eve Services: Two offerings this year – 4:30 and 7 pm. A favorite service of mine every year.
Christmas Morning in the Upper Room: we will meet on Christmas morning from 8-9 am for an hour of prayer and worship. All are invited. It is an open meeting, meaning you can come and go as you need to.
New Years Day: the whole church is invited to start the New Year (8-9 am) up on the fire-road knoll, located between Moulton Meadow Park and Top of the World, where we hold our Easter Sunrise Service. It will be a great way to start 2016.
New Years Day Evening: A special service of worship and prayer takes place in the sanctuary from 6-8 pm. Chris Lizotte will lead but it is going to encompass singing, prayer, Scripture reading, etc., all spontaneous and open, so you are not only invited but encouraged to participate.
Prayer Focus This Week – I’d like us to especially remember those imprisoned for their faith throughout the world, those who are suffering illness in our churches and families and those whom we love who really need the Lord in their lives.
Scripture of the Week: And Mary said concerning the news that she would bear the Redeemer of the World: “My soul exalts the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior, for He has regard for the humble state of His bondservant; for behold, from this time forth all generations will count me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is His Name.”
Worship Passage This Week: And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of heavenly hosts praising God, and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is well-pleased.” Luke 2:13-14
An Explosion of Worship: You’ll notice as you read the Scriptures detailing Christ’s entrance into this world that worship is found everywhere: Elizabeth worshiped; Mary worshiped; the angel worshiped; the heavenly hosts worshiped; shepherds worshiped; the three magi worshiped; Simeon worship; Anna worshiped. I think more worshiped than is recorded – all of creation, the entire universe, and heaven were filled with adoration for the great salvation God was bringing to the earth.
May God’s love pour out on others, becoming the best gift we all give. Love you all much in the Lord.
Pastor Jay