We are a community of believers endeavoring to live as God's people with Christ as the central focus of our lives.

Born to Create Beauty 2/2/16

Born to Create Beauty: I first met Ken Auster around 1980 when he became an exhibiter at the Sawdust Festival, a painter extraordinaire. He turned out to be such a dynamic artist and visionary that by 1989 he was President of the Board of Directors. Year after year he filled the Sawdust with beautiful paintings and his enthusiasm for the arts here in Laguna was endless. Eventually he became a world renown plein air painter and a sought after teacher. He mentored many young painters who fell in love with his teaching technique and Ken himself. When he became ill, many of his former students reached out to him to share just how much he meant to their lives. Art collectors around the world treasure his work.

Along with art, Ken had two other great loves in his life. His love of God which grew and grew as he neared the end, and the tremendous love he felt for his wife Paulette. I have rarely been as inspired as I was during visits to the Auster’s home over the last six weeks of his life. His faith, his eternal perspective relative to his illness and words of wisdom flowed from him like a sage. It was mesmerizing. I visited to give comfort and ended up being comforted. God had met him in a profound way and he faced the future with full assurance. But just as moving was the care Paulette gave to her beloved husband. She carefully tended to Ken by herself right to the end. As courageous a woman as I’ve known, Paulette kept everybody’s spirit up with her smile, charm and hospitality. The two of them were inseparable, and one of the greatest demonstrations of the grace of God I have ever witnessed. Their example will stay with me for the rest of my life. Ken passed peacefully into the presence of the Lord last Friday at 5 pm.

All of us here at Little Church will miss Ken as will so many friends and art lovers. Said Paulette on Saturday, the day after Ken passed: “I’ll bet Ken is in heaven right now giving painting lessons.” Looking forward to seeing him again. The date of a memorial service will be announced.

Ken and Paulette celebrating his birthday last July.

Just a taste of Ken’s incredible art. His work graces homes around the world.

Prayer Needs This Week….

We have four missions trips leaving Laguna over the next two weeks and we need to pray now for a covering and protection over each one of these excursions. That all who are supposed to go would make it; all loose ends to be tied up; contacts and communication on the other end would be good; health and fruitfulness.  

  1. Pastor Sam leaves for Peru on Friday the 12th with 55 high schoolers/youth leaders, heading for the Amazon; a number of these kids are NOT believers, joining the trip to get community service. Sam is brilliant at drawing them in and watching God dramatically touch them. Pray God prepares the Peruvian people they will visit.
  1. Tru and Shari Yamamoto and Linda Ungerland leave next Tuesday for Cambodia and Laos, where they will offer dental ministry. The three of them have been doing this for many years. Pray for grace from the airlines for luggage charges as it’s always necessary to carry extra bags due to dentist equipment.
  1. Steve Young takes a solo missions trip next Tuesday to Bangladesh and Thailand. Especially while in Bangladesh, pray for his protection and safety.
  1. Two weeks from today I will take a team of eight – Claus and Alison Hecht, Terry Ogden, Sheryl Bergquist, Bruce and Linda Ungerland (Linda will meet us in Bangkok following her dental ministry), Jody Cunningham and myself. As Claus is a doctor, we will be holding a medical clinic in the western Thai mountains as well as ministering to the poor. We also will be teaching and offering workshops to Tai Church in Bangkok, a beloved ministry filled with many friends whom we have been visiting for over 10 years. They are like a sister church to us.

Scripture of the Week: “But we all with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of God, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.”  2 Corinthians 3:18

A Thought: Man says the Bible is unreliable, a book of fables and myths, doesn’t need to be read, and at best is only partially true. Jesus said, If you abide in My Word, you are My disciples and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:31,32….David said God’s Word is, “perfect, converting the soul; it’s sure, making wise the simple; it’s right, rejoicing the heart; it’s pure, enlightening the eyes; and more desired than gold, than much fine gold.”  (Psalm 19:7-10)

From Writer, Theologian, Philosopher and Pastor Francis Schaeffer: “Biblical orthodoxy without compassion is surely the ugliest thing in the world.”

Put your trust completely in God this week. Let go of any doubt or unbelief.

Pastor Jay