Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Somewhere In The Future 3/29/16

A Response – to the article on teen suicide I wrote last week:  “I will be praying for all concerned. My heart/compassion is with those teenagers.  I am praying that Pastor Sam receives wisdom from God on how to help each one. Nothing is impossible with God. Taking the authority that we have been given, I bind the spirit of death and loose the spirit of life upon each one of these teenagers in Jesus name. I ask their ministering angels to surround them at all times and bring them safely through all of their trials. I ask that God send just bundles of His love to them through others, to let each one know that they are loved by God, and He has a purpose for each one of their lives.

I ask God to make a way for every one of these teenagers where there seems to be no way.  I rebuke the spirits of alcohol and drug addiction and demand that they flee from these young people now in Jesus name.  As I make a run to our super market I will be praying in tongues asking the Holy Spirit to pray through me exactly what each one of these loved teenagers needs at this time, in order to carry on the process of setting them completely free from the enemy’s attack.  Each one shall fulfill the destiny that God has planned for them.”

And This Great Word To Conclude: “They are somewhere in the future and they look much better than they look right now.”

Below: Part of a really nice crowd who made the very early trek up the fire road between Moulton Meadows and TOW to share in the Easter Sunrise Service.


Two Photos by Greg Sowle taken at our Good Friday Service: 1. Looking out the side door of the sanctuary at sunset; 2. The beautifully decorated altar and cross.



From someone new to the church on Good Friday: “What an incredible evening, everyone pouring out their hearts.”

Prayer Focus This Week

  • Lyssa Kerrigan – leaves for the Sudan for two weeks to teach victims of war how to cope with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • That seeds planted in the hearts of unbelievers in the Good Friday, Easter Sunrise and two Easter services in our sanctuary would grow into a commitment to Christ
  • Keep praying over teen suicide issues
  • My brother-in-law Mark Blumenfeld had a favorite house cat escape through the door on Friday. Needing a miracle for it to return; his wife Beverly is on hospice and very near the end.
  • Roxy Martin’s Memorial this Saturday, that God would bring comfort and a witness of Himself.
  • Islamic terrorists killed 70 mostly women and children and wounded 300 at an Easter Sunday celebration in a park in Lahore, Pakistan. They have vowed to exterminate Christianity in the Middle East and are systematically doing so.
  • That the Book of Acts would be a tremendously inspiring teaching series at Little Church starting this Sunday.

A letter sent to Pastor Sam recently from one of the youth…

of Don and Ann Roberson’s granddaughter Rachel, recovering from a broken elbow. Sure miss Don.

Keep thinking of Chris singing “Lord Have Mercy”. How much we need it.

Pastor Jay