Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Time To Leave The Nest 6/21/16

A Cozy Hideaway: The sides of my garage door are graced by decorative outside lights. Think street lamps in Victorian England. At the base are three small openings, barely wide enough to allow a small bird to squeeze through. Sure enough, every spring nest-building commences, with tiny homes appearing inside the lamps, perfectly-shaped feathered nests made of twigs, string, foxtails, grass and other assorted finds. In a few short weeks four or five eggs appear and are lovingly incubated by a very proud mom.

The day finally arrives when I hear the shrill chattering of newborns. Back and forth, to and fro, zip mom and dad, dropping worms, bugs and insects into wide-open mouths. Somehow everyone squeezes together and it all works. Did you know some male birds soak their stomach in water and then fly back to their chicks, to let them drinks from their feathers?

Then comes the big day.  It’s time to leave the nest. A few discover the small openings and slither through, flying off into a brand new life. But invariably one or two just flap their wings, scratching at the glass lamps, trying to get out. All along I’ve been watching. Finally I remove the top of the lamp and off they go. Well, most of the time.

Last week I opened the lamp as two little ones groped for freedom. One shot out immediately, but the other just stood on the nest, head swiveling back and forth, looking a little bewildered and confused. I stuck my finger through one of the openings, under tiny feet and prodded my little avian friend to fly out. But to no avail. Finally it got dark and I gave up.

Next morning the nest was empty. Whew! But it got me thinking. I wonder how many of us, who have been set free by God, still languish in our old life, stuck in patterns and habits that are detrimental to our lives. I might be one. I think it’s time for some of us to look up, lift off, and leave all that old stuff behind.

A Recap of High School, Skid Row Outreach:

Prayer Needs This Week

  • New home for the Babickswho are moving back into our area from NoCal.
  • Steve Dixon– strong back as he travels to Honduras to help plant 1100 trees
  • Darci – stopping the spread of lupus to vital organs
  • Protection, good choices for all our kids during this upcoming summer.
  • That any youthrunning from Jesus would return
  • Hanieh– new believer, a room or apartment to rent
  • Glen – recovery from a stroke
  • Sawdust Festival opens tonight– a great summer for all the artists, board and staff
  • Caleb Scott – flying home from Lebanon this week; safe trip

Baby Isaiah Anderson and Baby Asher Hunter – sent by Miss Tricia

Finally, one more listen from last Sunday’s special music – the Arthur Family, Gary, his mother Bettie, 91 years-old, Elle, Morea and Aria; and right after they sang, Ryah spoke, giving an excellent message on Stephen, so good given this was his first time speaking to our congregation.

Much love in Christ to you all. Have a fantastic week.
