Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Visiting the Caribbean 11/8/16

Cuba: Flying on a red-eye Tuesday evening and meeting up in Florida with a team of 24 people from all over the country, and then heading to this fascinating Caribbean island. Sandy Davis, who attends morning prayer will be on the trip, along with her husband Morgan and two daughters. Our focus will be the poorer provinces of Cuba where we will be visiting small churches, home fellowships, faithful pastors, and century-old  villages, dispensing medical supplies, reading glasses, thousands of Bibles, sports equipment for the youth, and 30 bicycles. Eleven million people inhabit this multi-ethnic country, a Communist republic that has recently opened to Americans. Our group has full sanction by the Department of Religion.

This is my second trip to Cuba. Nikki and I visited the island a year ago, traveling with Road Scholars, experiencing the wonderful culture of Cuba, especially art, dance, and music as well as the historic buildings and vintage cars from the 40’s and 50’s.

Due to the trip, this will be my last letter for two weeks.

Upper two photos give you a good feel for Havana, the colorful yet dilapidated buildings and the classic cars found everywhere. 

 Prayer Needs Over the Next Couple of Weeks (thank you for praying)

  • Steve Young’smission trip to India and mine to Cuba
  • Bob Moore, full recovery from open heart surgery
  • Leo Lizquierdo, just out of prison, received the Lord after our second service on Sunday
  • Allyson, the wife of LBHS water polo coach Trevor Lyle,who is battling stage-four cancer for the second time.
  • Terry, friend of Little Church member Lynda Davis, who lost a son recently
  • Cameron and Julia Agnew, moving to Seattle; safe and good transition
  • Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Interns – wisdom, shepherding insight, solid leadership
  • Strongholdsof addictions of all kinds broken in family and friends
  • For our nation as presidential leadershipchanges; for civility and prayers for whomever wins
  • Bryce Blanton, needing an internship following school
  • All small groupscontinue to be fruitful; pray especially for the facilitators
  • Greg Sowleand Robin Tench who will oversee morning prayer while I am in Cuba

A Thought: We are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength; and we should pray with all the same

A Reminder: Speak in anger and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret

A Word from Sunday’s Message: What motivates perseverance? You persevere in the things you love: “1 Corinthians 13:7  “Love bears anything/everything; believes the best; hopes under every circumstance; endures all things.”

Praying this is an encouraging week for all of you, 

Pastor Jay