We are a community of believers endeavoring to live as God's people with Christ as the central focus of our lives.

The Shekinah Glory of God 12/20/16

Laguna was bathed in one of those breathtaking sunsets last week, the kind that almost brings tears to your eyes it is so beautiful. As the sun slowly descended below the horizon, a golden ball of churning fire and incredible intensity, the early evening sky blazed with arching streaks of crimson, orange and yellow. The glory of creation stretched over Laguna like a colorful heavenly canvass, displaying a painting of exquisite beauty, a Shekinah masterpiece.

This wasn’t the sunset described above but it’s a good example of what we often see.

 The word “Shekinah” describes the glory of God that rested in the Holy of Holies, hovering between the two cherubim on the Mercy Seat which covered the Ark of the Covenant. This Shekinah, which was the manifest presence of the Lord, was so powerful the high priest only approached the Holy of Holies once a year on the Day of Atonement.

Moses entered into the midst of the cloud of God’s Shekinah glory, fully immersed in it for 40 stunning days, speaking with God and receiving the law and commandments. A glorious remnant of that Shekinah shone brightly from his face as he came down the mountain.

And when Jesus was born, the Shekinah glory of God shone everywhere, around beautiful Mary and faithful Joseph, upon the surprised shepherds in the field, on the heaven-sent angel heralding Jesus’ birth, around the wise magi who worshiped with gifts, and upon aging Simeon and Anna, eight days later in the Temple. This glory framed the proclamation of the Incarnation, God becoming man in Jesus Christ,

May you experience the Shekinah glory of God during this Christmas season, that the very Presence of the Lord would shine through you to so many others. “But we all, with unveiled faces, beholding as in a mirror the glory of God, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18

Prayer Focus This Week

  • A happy and peaceful Christmas for every one of you
  • The Blanton family who lost Grandpa Don this week
  • Supernatural healing for all who are suffering illness
  • Reconciliation in broken family relationships
  • For those who have lost loved ones in recent acts of terrorism around the world
  • For peacemakers to emerge in a world desperately needing them
  • That the gospel will be preached with power this coming Christmas Sunday, in all nations

Reminders: Christmas Eve services this Saturday, 4:30 and 6 pm; one service at 10 pm, both Christmas and New Year’s Sunday; special worship service New Year’s day night at 6 pm; Monday, January 2, 8-9 am, morning prayer meets on the fire road between Moulton Meadow Park and TOW.

May this be an extraordinary Christmas weekend for each one of you,

 Pastor Jay