Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Stranger in an Elevator 2/28/17

In a hurry, she stepped awkwardly into the elevator and suddenly lost her balance, almost tumbling over. Before I could lend a hand, she quickly caught herself, grabbing tightly onto the inside rail. Elderly, overly tanned, wearing heavy perfume with thick red lipstick and high thin eye-brows, she looked decidedly distressed.

“How are you”? I inquired, seeking to break the uncomfortable silence we all experience with strangers in an elevator. “I’m eighty years-old,” she blurted out, “and I know I look younger but I am falling apart. It’s a catastrophe! It’s horrible. I can barely hear anymore, my eyesight is going and there’s nothing I can do.” Before I could utter a word the elevator hit the ground floor, the door swung open and she limped out, head down, muttering to herself.

Somebody once said, “Do not regret growing older, it’s a privilege denied to many.” Yes, there are struggles with getting older, especially health challenges. And I sympathize with my elevator friend. But I say make the most of every day, no matter what your age, thank God you’re breathing, and keep a young mindset. You are what you think. You become what you behold. Now 74 years old, I choose to look at the good side of life and keep going, in fact I am now focused on getting wiser, stronger, and more dedicated to living a positive and active life, centered right in God. How about you? How are you approaching life?

Before I forget, Thursday is our 43rd anniversary. That’s a lot of years that Nikki and I have journeyed through life together. Here’s to one extraordinary lady who somehow keeps getting younger and younger!!

Mary Hurlbut shot this picture standing on a chair, looking out the skylight in the Upper Room, during her Wednesday prayer hour.

 Prayer Focus This Week…(your prayers make a huge difference)

  • Just a superb report from Pastor Sam and the interns about the Guatemala high school missions trip, his best ever Sam said. A number of kids gave their hearts to the Lord and were baptized. Pray they will all continue to walk with Christ.
  • Former Little Church intern KJ Hornibrook is at YWAM in Hawaii, ready to go to Norway. Needs some finances to make this possible so pray for God’s provision.
  • Ami – daughter of one of our members – severe migraines and other health challenges
  • Good News club starting up at El Morro Elementary School first week of April. Dawn Chambers from our church is helping coordinate this outreach. Needed are volunteers to help run the program, assist in the classroom, provide snacks, donate materials, give financial assistance, and pray. Contact Dawn at 949-294-4533if you are available.
  • Lent services coming up for six consecutive Sundaynights (5 pm), starting this Sunday March 5.
  • Praise for the Ungerland’s successful trip to Thailand; the Yamamoto’s in Cambodia; teens in Guatemala
  • The Flemings must move and are looking for an affordable two bedroom, two bath house in Laguna.

 Finally: “But the Lord is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting King.”  Jeremiah 10:10

 Pastor Jay