Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Drifing Away 4/18/17

“Therefore, we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. For if the Word spoken through angels proved unalterable and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? After it was first spoken through the Lord, it was confirmed to us by those who heard.”  Hebrews 2:1-3

What caught my attention in this passage was the phrase “lest we drift away.” Drifting means moving slowly, very slowly, just cracking the door open a sliver to edge away from truth Compromising Scripture is warned against in these verses from Hebrews. While it is clear there are certain cultural dictates that we do not have to to observe, such as the Old Testament dietary laws, these would be exceptions. Pastor Greg shared these verses during morning prayer yesterday and they resounded deeply in me. I felt the need to ask myself this question – is there any drifting in my life? Or perhaps in yours?

“Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away.”  Mark 13:31

Update on Cherry: Our contacts in Thailand and Myanmar (Burma) have learned there are legal ramifications if we are not careful in bringing Cherry home, especially as she is just 13 years old. We need to make sure no one is arrested and ends up spending months or years in a Burmese prison. So we have contacted Pastors in the area and working on a safe plan, Will keep you updated.

High School Alaska Missions Trip: Pastor Sam and his team left for Fairbanks today to refurbish a campgrounds that is used by kids who live in the area but have no church. Essentially the camp becomes their church. Please pray for those serving…

Pastor Sam – Logan Motsinger – Kevin Carr – Aubrey Spurlin – Taylor Shipley – George Verdakostas – Jake Joiner – Ashton Embury – Peter Weiland – Mia Brisker-Vines – Angelique Begay – Haley Conley – Medoria Embury – Elisa Isaza-Dubrow – Rachel McCarthy – Brooke Beresford – Raymond Hunter

Prayer Focus This Week (Appreciate you taking some time to pray over these)

  • Priscilla Roach’s dad died yesterday; Kurt Klimenko’s mom two days ago; Elizabeth Grieve’s husband Tom two weeks ago.
  • Elaine Pike’s dad commencing radiation for prostate cancer
  • Steve and Mae Young – ministry trip to the Ukraine
  • Pastor Glen Totten, who has been attending our church, leaving next Tuesday to teach in Uganda for three months
  • I am leaving for Asia in two weeks; pray I am completely ready to go
  • Kristen, Lisa Rainey’s sister, is in a tough custody battle
  • High school seniors making the wisest choice for college

An awesome overhead photo of the Sunrise Service taken from Pastor Greg Sowle’s drone.

Who is there in your life that needs a word of encouragement? Give them a call, shoot them a text or perhaps send a card.

 P Jay