Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Defensiveness 6/28/17

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32

I know one of the most important things to learn in life is how to properly respond when criticized. Most of my life I haven’t done too well. One of my weaknesses is an impulsive tendency to defend myself. This comes from another underlying weakness – I think I’m right most of the time.

I’ve been working on this in recent years and I’ve learned relationships greatly improve when I don’t have to have the last word. Nor try and prove I’m right. Nor defend myself. I also try and wait 24 hours before responding to a criticism. I learned this from Mike Hudgins at VCC, my former church.

This all to say an anonymous comment was forwarded to the church leaders this week criticizing an area of ministry I oversee. So I came face to face with this issue again. First, I’ll admit the criticism stung. Secondly I’ve sought to respond in three ways. 1. Try and discern if there is any truth to the accusation. 2. Fight off aggravation.  3. Bless whoever wrote it. That’s what Jesus would do and that’s what I’m going to do.

The 2017 Sawdust Festival opened last night, my 44th. That’s me in overalls in 1977 with Nikki’s booth and artwork to the right. In those days almost every booth was built with old barn wood and I can still remember favorite boards and beams I’d use every year. To the left is Eric “Itsy Man” Johnson’s booth, still a well known artist currently living in San Pedro.

Prayer Needs This Week….

  • Michael – on life-support (this crisis forwarded to us)
  • One of our members struggling with an ex-tenant falsely accusing them
  • Two others who need to sell their homes
  • Protection for the kids this summer as they have more free time
  • Our church leadership

Congratulations: to Gary and Toni Smith on 50 years of marriage

Have a superb week everyone and see whom you might bless.

Pastor Jay