Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Full Freedom 7/4/17

Happy 4th Everyone: Thanking God for our full freedom in Christ. “It was for freedom that Christ set us free, therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery (legalism).” Galatians 5:1

This Post Hit Home: Some interesting responses to my defensiveness column last week. I’m keeping the writer’s names anonymous…

“Hi Jay, I think many of us react to criticism defensively because it is so painful. I am still subconsciously trying to earn my earthly father’s approval. I try so hard to get everything right. If I was slovenly or lazy and I was criticized I probably wouldn’t care.”

“I am working on the same struggles you wrote about and I am comforted to know I am not alone. We aren’t God and we aren’t perfect as you reminded me last week.”

“Just because someone makes a comment it does not make them right or even thoughtful. Wish I could think of one thing I could participate in that would please everyone. I suppose if I stood on a street corner and handed out free ice cream someone would complain because I didn’t have the correct flavor.”

“Thanks for being so candid about defensiveness. It helps! God’s been dealing with me on this issue to, by referring me to Jonah. In a way, he WAS “right”! While still being wrong, no?”

“Your opening paragraph really resonates with me but I go way further in putting forth full steam trying to “help” others see what I see…especially when I am criticized. I will try to remember the 24 hour rule.”

“Hang in there Jay. Being in a leadership role opens you to criticism. Putting yourself out there is to be vulnerable. But it is in places of vulnerability where most meaningful changes takes place.”

Our Sawdust booth this year, moving next to the food court after 6 years by the entertainment deck.

From Dale Ghere: You ask the question (two weeks ago), “What do you think is gorgeous, spectacular, wondrous, awesome, breath-taking?” That is easy to answer. Here is my reply.  God blessed me with Marilyn.  She is awesome!

Prayer Needs This Week

  • A highly successful ankle surgery on Thursday for Kit Van Rennsaler
  • Vacation Bible School starts next Monday; 120 kids involved this year
  • AJ Hansen, 95 years-old, recovery from a broken pelvis suffered in a fall
  • Full healing and restoration for Matthew from a serious accident
  • Dakota Bass – An ending of severe seizures
  • Recovery for Mo Howson. from complicated heart surgery last week
  • Breast cancer surgery on Thursday for Melinda, a friend of a church member
  • Ministry job for Fred Mabie

More Freedom: Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are truly disciples of Mine and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:31,32)

And Even More Freedom: “If therefore the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36)

Grateful for the liberty we all have been given. Not taking it for granted.
