Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

When We Wonder Why 7/25/17

There are a lot of “why’s” in life, starting with why things happen the way they do. Why are some people born into an affluent family? And why are some born into poor ones? Why are some people born completely healthy? And why are some born with physical impairment? Why does God heal some people? And not others? But of all the why’s in life this “why” is the toughest. Why do some people live to an old age?  And why do some die young?

I do not have any answers to these questions. They’re bigger than me. I understand we live in a fallen world and there are all kinds of consequences that come with man’s fall. But mystery envelops the why’s of life, especially when it comes to death. What to do? How to cope? Well, for me, I will trust God and His ways, when not having a clue to what’s going on, and then try and be a comfort to those hurting.

And so our hearts go out to John and Taffy Eagle who lost their 23-year-old son Aaron last week. I can’t really imagine what they’re feeling. Jeff and I met with them on Saturday and they are working through this as best they can. As I write tonight, Taffy is arriving by car in Nebraska where Aaron had been going to college. And how she needs our prayers. And John. And really all of us because we are connected to them in more ways than we can know.

And there is nothing wrong with asking God why. Every once in awhile God answers but usually not. And it’s probably for the best that we don’t know. We will one day. For now a lot of love is what’s really needed.

An striking photo of Little Church with a beautiful Laguna Beach skyline. Photo: Greg Sowle

Prayer Focus This Week – just one; pray for the kids/youth leaders at the Camp Pondo Junior High Camp…

Merrick Vellmure
Annabelle Kieswetter
Meike Casolari
Emma Bernstein
Linda Schmidt
Ethan Saunders
Austin Plank
Madison Kerrigan
Sam Ellis
Kevin Carr
Aubrey Spurlin
Robert Clemons
Sophie Patton
Robert Henderson
Nicole Brown
Izzy King
Dario Amini
Haisey Frith
Bobbie Butler
Gabriel Henderson
Michael Henderson
Rachel Henderson
Parker Brown
Dominique W
Elizabeth Dixon
Ainsley Beresford
Kendel Beresford
Claire Knill
Jaden Spence
Sergio del Bosque
Emily Farnes
Eva Fast
Kavon Amini
Ziggy Molteni

Thank you for praying,

 Pastor Jay