Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

The Terrifying Beauty of God 8/1/17

“In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”  1 Peter 1:6,7

Sometimes when we are facing especially severe difficulties and challenges in our lives, faith can become clouded and veiled and remote. We hurt inside, pray, and little changes and we then wonder where God is. Please Lord, I need you. But there seems to be only silence. We feel alone. Our faith is challenged. And the enemy comes along and whispers, “Is God really good? Where is His kindness and mercy? And the peace and joy God promised? Isn’t it clear God has failed you?”

What is happening when we’re feeling overwhelmed by life? You can be sure that whatever you are going through, no matter how tough it might be, God is meaning it for the good. We can’t see it. We don’t understand it. This makes no sense. But it does make sense to God and though we may suffer, God is taking everything we are going through and enlarging our lives. Growing us in Christ. Changing us. Making us more like Jesus. It is the terrifying beauty of God’s refining process. Yes, it’s painful, but it is so needed and so worthwhile.

You better believe these six-graders and youth leaders had a great time at Camp Pondo last week.

Kendel Beresford and Meike Casolari surround our beloved intern Aubrey Spurlin at Camp Pondo.

 Prayer Needs This Week…

  • New believers – Nazgol, Hanieh, Trudy, growing in Christ, studying with Sally Ellis
  • Continued prayer for John and Taffy Eagle over the loss of Aaron; memorial Aug 12th at 11 am
  • Dave Wetzel and family over the passing of his dad last Tuesday
  • High School road trip leaving Laguna next Sunday
  • Ty Fleming – stationed overseas in the military
  • Our new interns, Robert and Sophie, melding easily into the youth leadership team
  • Sheryl Berquist’s daughter Carly; pregnancy crisis
  • Full recovery for Art Rice from recent surgery

Praise Report: I recently asked us to all pray for Fred Mabie, that God would give him a ministry job. I am thrilled to report that a church in Paia, Hawaii voted on Sunday to give him the pastorate. The church meets at the Doris Todd Christian School where Fred’s wife Lisa has been also hired as an art teacher and teacher’s aide. I have visited Paia three times, first in 1971 when it was a little hippie town and I stayed with a friend in an old pineapple plantation shack.

About Prayer…

From J. Edwin Orr: “History is silent about revivals that did not begin with prayer.”

From A.B. Simpson: “The world is to be evangelized by the Church on her knees.”

May God’s love fill all of you this week.

Pastor Jay  Jeremiah 33:3