Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

The Unseen Blessing of Rejection 12/5/17

Third in a series

Visibly shaken, her eyes welling up with tears, she managed to blurt out, “I’m crushed. Never saw this coming. I don’t know if I will get over it.” I sought to comfort and encourage her but inside I was as thrilled as I could be. She had been engaged to someone I knew was bad news, a charmer, a schemer, a womanizer. And she had no idea how lucky she was that he had called off the engagement.

Not all rejection is bad. As painful as it can be, a lot of rejection is for the good, though at the time we cannot fathom how this could be. What we think is terrible is often the very best thing that could happen to us.

Here are a few observations on why rejection is often for our best…

  • The greatest event in human history is a rejection. Without Jesus’ rejection, which led to the cross, and then the resurrection, there is no salvation possible for man. His rejection turned out to be our redemption. He was rejected but we are accepted when we place our faith in the finished work of Christ. His rejection has made reconciliation with God possible for you and me.
  • Man’s rejection is often God’s protection. The young lady in my office, broken and grieving, had been protected by God from lifelong misery. Marriage to that man was certain disaster. So, rejection is not really someone wanting you out of their life. No, rejection is someone God wanted out of your future.
  • Finally, man’s rejection often leads to God’s re-direction. Said author Steve Maraboli, “Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.” I am convinced this young lady will eventually be directed by God to the right person for her life. Except for a rejection in my life I never would have been re-directed to Laguna Beach and a brand new life. I suspect something similar is true for a number of you.

I will be sharing a few of your comments on rejection next week.

It’s good to have a friend to walk through life together

Prayer Needs This Week…

  • Baby Harper, a member of Anne and Everett Fenton’s family, born with heart defects, will need a number of procedures and surgeries. Harper is just a few days old
  • Terry Sanders, quadruple heart surgery coming up
  • Continued recovery for Austin Hall, beginning to come out of this coma
  • Lots of spiritual warfare going on these days. Be aware of where your struggles are coming from.
  • Health for all those battling illness

The Cutest Lady Ever Singing About God


From Francis Frangipane: “In the Kingdom, there are no great men or women of God, just humble men and women whom God has chosen to greatly use. How do we know when we are humble? When God speaks we tremble. God is looking for those who tremble at His Word. They will find the Spirit of God resting upon them; they will become a dwelling place for the Almighty.”

Pastor Jay