Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Worshiping a Robot? 12/26/17

Ever think you’d see the day when people would worship a robot? If you said ‘no’, think again. Google founder Anthony Levandowski is creating a new religion called “Way of the Future” which worships a god based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), developed through computer software.

It makes sense to Levandowski, his new god. “If there is something a billion times smarter than the smartest human being, what else are you going to call it?”

The Way of the Future has its own gospel called “The Manual,” which will be incorporated into public worship ceremonies. The new religion is going to aggressively spread its gospel, particularly one-on-one, “starting conversations to help others understand just how brilliant this robot (god) is.”

“AI” lawyer John Mitchell says the church will become successful because of the human need “to worship supreme understanding.” He says further, “there must be some higher power that causes lightning, sunsets and crashing waves, or at least speaks into the depths of our being.”

An AI (Artificial Intelligence robot) provides the equivalent of a ‘Messiah’, according to CEO of Imagination Engines, Stephen Thaler, which can gift humans with solutions to the most daunting social, political, economic and environmental challenges.

None of this should really surprise us. Jesus predicted the worship of false gods would be a major component of the last days: “Many will come saying, “I am the Messiah (the Christ),” Jesus said, “And they will lead many astray.” Matthew 24:5

A Look at Our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (photos by Pastor Greg Sowle)

I am forwarding a letter I sent to our ‘Crisis Prayer Team’ yesterday: “Here’s a great Christmas gift for all of us who have been praying for Austin Hall, who came near death in a terrible car accident a little over a month ago. He’s going home this coming Thursday. It’s a miracle, this incredibly quick recovery.”

** And thanks to all of you who prayed for Austin over this past month

 Final Letter of 2017: This prayer letter/devotional ends my writing for this year. So appreciate the comments and responses sent my way. You were a great blessing to me.

Final Prayer Request for 2017: A very safe last week of this year for each one of you,, full of God’s blessing.

Don’t Forget: Regular Sunday services (9 am & 10:45 am) on New Year’s Eve morning, the 31st; New Year’s Morning Prayer to start 2018 on the fire road knoll between Moulton Meadows Park and TOW (8-9 am); New Year’s Evening Special Worship Service (7 pm) in the sanctuary.

Pastor Jay