Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Jesus and A Sinful Woman 2/13/18

“Now there was a woman in the city who lived an immoral life, and when she learned that Jesus was in the Pharisee’s house, she brought an alabaster vial of perfume, and came to Jesus, weeping and wetting His feet with her tears, wiping them with her hair and kissing His feet, anointing them with the fragrant oil.”  Luke 7:37,38

Clearly undone and as brave as she could be, this broken woman, who had been living a sinful life, walks right into the  Pharisee’s home, knowing full well what he thought of her. Undeterred, and driven to reach Jesus, she makes her way straight to where he sat. As she nears Him her emotions erupt. Weeping uncontrollably, she falls to the floor before Him, tenderly kissing Jesus’ feet, wiping tears from his feet with her long hair, all the while anointing them with expensive perfume. She worships without uttering a word.

She represents so many of the women I described last week. Women deeply moved when they encountered Jesus. But what was it that caused such emotion. What so attracted women to Him?  Made them love Him so?

More than anything, they found in Jesus what they rarely ever found in other men. Complete respect. Accepting them no matter what their flaws. Never looking upon them as a sex object. Readily forgiving. Deeply compassionate and merciful. Never judging nor condemning them. The unloved discovered real love for the first time in their lives. Jesus made every single woman he met feel worthwhile, important, even beautiful. The found in Him someone they could fully trust.

Please Pray This Week For These Needs…

  • Sally Antioch’s father passed last week. He endeared himself to all of us at Little Church as he often attended our services, coming in through the side door in his wheelchair. Pray for Francesca also, his granddaughter who is broken hearted.
  • Kylie Spence, who attended Youth group before moving to Montana, recovering from a serious ski accident with a sprained neck and back, and the left side of her body very banged up.
  • Speaking of our Youth, over 50 high schooler’s/youth leaders are heading for Belize this coming Friday. Pray for a safe, fruitful, Holy Spirit- led mission’s trip.
  • Ash Wednesday service tomorrow at 7 am, beginning the season of Lent.
  • Women’s Retreat coming up this March 16-18. Great group of ladies signed up.
  • Healing – Bridgit, Lisa, Anna, Elizabeth, Roy, Art, David, Geoff, Denise, Billy

Love this photo of our church. It feels hand-painted, like the vintage postcards from the 30’s and 40’s.

 “The Lord will command His loving-kindness in the daytime, and His song will be with me in the night, a song that is a prayer to the God of my life.”  Psalm 42:8

 Finally: If you want to know what God is like, look at how Jesus treats the immoral woman in Luke’s gospel.

 Pastor Jay