Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

The Joy of Little Church by the Sea 4/3/18

Lots going on lately as the Little Church calendar has been very full. But it’s been so fun. Mission trips. Retreats. Good Friday. Easter. Etc. Pictures and videos are worth more than lots words so here goes…

Resurrection Day/Easter Services

A great group of early-risers, so happy to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus at our Sunrise Service. This was the first of three awesome Easter services for Little Church.

This sign, painted by Sawdust artist Walter Viszolay, greeted us as we first arrived at the knoll. Such a good surprise. It was then moved to the church for our two regular Easter services.

 Palm Sunday

I promised everyone the message would not be as complicated as creating this palm-branch cross.

 Good Friday Service

John Schriener, Pastor Jeff and Robin Tench led the sweet Good Friday Candlelight Service

 Women’s Retreat

Such an excellent women’s retreat with a fabulous group of Little Church by the Sea ladies. A little partial to one in the back row, third from the left.

 Ministry Trip to Thailand

Pictured with her college graduation certificate, Summer Kung has quite a story. Born into a large Burmese family, her mom died when she was 9 and her father then left. She ended up in the House of Hope Orphanage where in 2011 she was brought into our ministry home. In 2013 we sent her to college in Bangkok and she successfully graduated this year. Bruce, Linda, Tom and I were present to celebrate with her. Yeah Summer!!!!

Summer is hugging Zoe who came to us as a baby. Born to Burmese parents, she arrived malnourished, her body riddled with AIDS. Rolyn, our Filipino director, adopted her. Prayed over Zoe for a year and God completely healed her. She is now totally AIDS free.

Some of the kids who live in our ministry center – L-R Josh, Rolyn, our director, Summer, Abbey, Faith, Serah, and Senna, who is being sent to a vocational school, learning the hotel business.

Two of the little ones from Sanephong Village where we have an outreach every Saturday. Our young adults from Little Church built the building they are sitting in, over three years ago.

Our High School Belize Outreach

2018 Belize Baptism


Here is a highlight video of things that happened on our high school mission trip to Belize:

I don’t know how Sam does it, putting trips together with over 50 kids attending. It’s brilliant.

A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

Chris & Kristy Lizotte traveled to the Holy Land in early March and then Kori and Lily Kelso in late March. Photo by Chris of the Western Wailing Wall. Nikki and I went with Mike Montgomery to Israel in 1979.

Photos by Mary Hurlbut, Rolyn Cadiz, Chris Lizotte and others.

Pastor Jay