Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A Beloved Co-worker 4/17/18

My mom once told me the hardest part of getting older was losing friends who died ahead of her. This comment struck home when I learned last week that my good friend Elliot Miller had passed from cancer.

Elliot and I were on the same track from the very beginning. He gave his life to Christ when I did – in 1971, right in the middle of the Jesus Movement, and we both fell in love with God’s Word from day one. Elliot was a driving force in Laguna Church, a Jesus-people fellowship, filled with believers mostly living in Laguna Canyon cottages and shacks. Think Woodland, Canyon Acres, Arroyo Drive, Victory Walk, Roosevelt Lane, single-walled constructed houses whose rents in the mid-70’s were rarely above $100 a month. True community was the heartbeat of that church. Lots of young families with many of us seeing each other almost daily. Elliot lived next door to Nikki and me with a couple of single brothers.

Elliot moved into leadership quickly in Laguna Church, teaching Bible studies and facilitating cell groups. A lover of Scripture with a keen interest in apologetics, Elliot went to work for Dr. Walter Martin, a brilliant Bible scholar and author of the popular classic “Kingdom of the Cults.” I consider Walter Martin the single best Bible teacher I have ever heard.

One day a lovely and creative young lady named Corinne walked into Laguna Church and soon the two of them were inseparable and thereafter engaged. I officiated at their wedding with Jack Wheaton and thus began over 40 years of happiness for the two of them.

After Walter Martin died, Elliot continued on at The Christian Research Institute, wrote books, hosted a radio program, was editor-in-chief of their monthly journal, taught at Bible colleges and ministered in local churches.

I have known but a few whom I could honestly call a man of God or could say lived as a true bond-servant of Christ. It takes a deep level of consecration, devotion and commitment to be worthy of those designations. Elliot was both, a man of God if there ever was one and a bond-servant in the line of the apostle Paul. Passionate for God, Elliot fully lived what he believed. And he’s now in the very presence of the One whom He loved so very much. It’s absolutely stunning to contemplate.

This past Sunday, four families dedicated their little ones to the Lord. Such a moving morning.

 Prayer Focus This Week…

  • Elder Board – a heaven-sent anointing to oversee the church
  • Toby and Kori – great wisdom and discernment in shepherding our children
  • Johnson/Lydia Asare and the Radach Center in Ghana: blessing, protection, provision
  • Continue to pray for David Kessner and Geoff Thompson, battling Lyme’s disease
  • Rich Thompson undergoing surgery next Monday

Images From Our Sunrise Service two weeks ago…

Asia, Sam and Aria

Daughter Mia with mom Camilla

Grace Wellsfry

 ** Thanks Mary Hurlbut for such great photos

Finally: “Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.  Ephesians 3:20,21

Pastor Jay