Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Pastor Sam’s Challenge 6/12/18

Huge Prayer Need: As most of you know, our youth pastor Sam Ellis left for Mozambique, Africa two weeks ago to attend the Harvest Ministry School run by the world renown evangelist/healer Heidi Baker and her husband Rolland. God has already met Sam in many extraordinary ways and he is thriving spiritually there.

However, a very real danger has arisen. Islamists associated with ISIS are pushing south toward the ministry compound where Pastor Sam and 250 young people are, specifically targeting Christians. They have been incredibly brutal – on a raping, pillaging and killing spree, which includes children. They have already killed one pastor known to the Bakers, doing so in front of his wife, then burning their home to the ground. A call for evacuation to South Africa has taken place and the women and children will go first. Sam and the other males are scheduled to leave on Friday. Here is the most recent post by Heidi, sent today at 4 pm our time.

“Pemba is more or less safe. We are taking precautions with curfews and the Harvest School students are going to continue in South Africa. Please pray for the people of the entire province as many villagers have fled their homes in fear. Thousands have been displaced. Many are sleeping outside without supplies. We are praying night and day for the right strategies to bring aid and comfort to our neighbors in such terrible distress.”

I spoke with Sam’s dad Mark this afternoon and he is aware that additional security has arrived to help guard the compound. And Sam is in good spirits, not living in fear. As you pray for Sam, pray for Mark and Sally and Sam’s brother Nate who will be so relieved when Sam is safely in South Africa. Your prayers are so very much appreciated by the Ellis family as well as all of us who love Sam.

Graduating fifth graders, Olivia Stimson, Pierce Kerrigan and Enzo Casolari are cheered on last Sunday by our current youth pastor Kevin Carr (top) and youth intern Robert Clemons.  Photos: Mary Hurlbut

 Prayer Focus This Week

  • Pastor Sam, all those in Mozambique under threat, and the Ellis family
  • Family and friends of local surfer Richard Carlson who passed this week
  • Natalie Haug’s father Harold Sanders who is nearing the end of his life, battling lung/brain cancer; pray for mercy and peace as the family manages his treatment and quality of life.
  • Mike Montgomery, former pastor of our church and the man who officiated at my wedding, who is recuperating from a serious bout of hemochromatosis
  • Healing – Kit Van Rennsaler, David Kessner, Geoff Thompson, Lou DeSimone, John Burns
  • Continue to pray for our nation

A Word on Loving Others: “The beginning of this love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our image.” – Thomas Merton, shared by Jeff at our staff meeting today

Pastor Jay