Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

The Black Regiment 7/3/18

The American Revolution

Christians played a major role in the abolition of slavery, in women’s suffrage and in the civil rights movement of Dr. Martin Luther King. And as we celebrate our freedom this week on the 4th of July, a look at the history of the War of Independence reveals tremendous Christian impact. Here are a few interesting facts…

  • No louder voices were heard in the colonies denouncing Britain and its king than the Christian clergy, earning black-robed pastors the title “the black regiment.”
  • The freedom preaching of George Whitfield, Jonathan Edwards and John Witherspoon from 1740 to 1765 led the protest against stifling British control in the colonies.
  • The first copies of the Declaration of Independence were not sent to town magistrates but to parish pastors who read the liberating edict to the cheers and shouts of parishioners.
  • More than 100 pastors served as chaplains in the Continental Army.
  • A great preacher in the colonies was Concord’s William Emerson, grandfather of Ralph Waldo Emerson, who preached a famous sermon from 2 Chronicles 13:12: “And behold, God Himself is with us as our captain.”
  • John Adams prophesized to his wife Abigail in a letter written on July 3, 1776: “It is the will of heaven that the two countries (Britain and America) should be sundered forever.”
  • And now the words to perhaps the most popular of all Revolutionary songs..

“Let tyrants shake their iron rod, and slavery clank her galling chains,
We fear them not, we trust in God, New England’s God forever reigns.
When God inspired us for the fight, their ranks were broke, their lines were forced,
Their ships were shattered in our sight, or swiftly driven from our coast.
What grateful offering shall we bring? What shall we render to the Lord?
Loud hallelujahs let us sing, and praise His Name on every chord.”

Prayer Focus This Week…

  • Dick Day, who founded Go Go Grandmother’s with his wife Charlotte, passed few days ago in Malawi at the age of 89. Our condolences to Dave, Kim, Jeff and the entire family.
  • Pray for Ken Brooks (Linda Jonason’s fiance’) who lost a beloved family member also last week
  • Robin Tench’s sister Nancy was has moved into a new care facility
  • Pastor Jeff teaching this week at Forest Home Family Camp
  • Vacation Bible School, starting next Monday, the 11th. Many children become Christians at these ages, three to nine, so pray many of the kids attending will give their hearts and lives to Christ.
  • Continue to pray for Pastor Sam in Africa
  • Pray the Tai Leng people in Myanmar will be receptive to the gospel

If you are in the midst of a broken relationship, pray how God might direct you to see it healed.

Pastor Jay