Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

“You Are Everything To Me” 9/4/18

Strolling slowly down the beach in her bare feet, the ocean breeze tousled her hair and the sun bounced off the shimmering water, making her squint a little. But she didn’t seem to notice. More important things than her appearance were on her mind. She was suddenly feeling drawn, called by something deep within her. And she wasn’t alone that day in this beckoning. In places all over the world, others with a similar heart walked with the same urging in their souls.

Feelings hard to describe began welling up within them. Angels whispered in their ears. And rising in their hearts was a euphoric sense of a holy presence. Joy began flooding their being. The Kingdom was near as eternity stepped into time, opening a pathway for worship. The Ancient of Days had sent an invitation to intimacy and words like these began to drift into heaven, where they were captured and carefully placed into a golden bowl of incense (Revelation 5:8)…

“You are everything to me, my God, everything I could ever want; I yearn for more of You.”
“O God, I do not want what You can do for me, not this day, I only want You.”
“I give You my life, all of it; I hold nothing back; I surrender everything to You.”
“There is no one like You, Lord, none who can compare to your magnificence.”
“Release fire into my soul, O Lord, and increase a desire to know you.”
“You have captured my heart my O God, and I extol Your mighty Name.”
“I love You Lord. I love You. I love You. I love You.”

Such epiphanies don’t happen every day but when they do life changes. Faith grows. God is unveiled. Deep has called unto deep and the One we shall see face to face one day has become ever so real in this world.

Three of my favorite people. Jeff giving a blessing as he and Toby thank Kori Kelso for selflessly serving our children. Kori moves on from Toby’s assistant as she will be teaching 2nd grade at Stoneybrooke Christian School this year. Today, Tuesday, is her first day teaching with the kids.

Prayer Focus This Week…

  • Lou DeSimone, two recent surgeries following a stoke, battling to beat this
  • Healing – Taffy, Regina, Walter and his brother, Mike Montgomery, David, Kit
  • New school year started today; may God protect all our kids and teachers
  • Good News Clubs at both El Morro and Top of the World elementary schools.
  • Worship Warriors (led by Toby)
  • Braden Belden, in a coma for 30 days following a snowboard accident last winter, completely paralyzed when coming to, walked forward in our church last Sunday and briefly spoke. Our prayer now is he continues his rehabilitation and will one day surf again. Folks, this is nothing short of a phenomenal miracle.
  • Continue to pray for our nation

Countries Where Believers Suffer Intense Persecution: Egypt, Nigeria, India; pray for believers to remain faithful

 Verse of the Week: “Behold I will do something new, now it shall spring forth to birth, will you be aware? I’ll make you a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.”  Isaiah 43:19

Finally: These words from a worship song we played in the Upper Room this morning: “When I cannot see it, I will still believe it.”

Pastor Jay