Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

The Powerful Names of God 1/14/19

Understanding the Names of God is one of the most inspiring and uplifting Scripture adventures a Christian can explore. You learn about the various dimensions of God’s power, His glorious attributes, His unmatched character, and His majestic nature.

Here are some Hebrew Names of God with their meaning…

·         ELOHIM – The All-Powerful One, Creator of the Universe

·         EL SHADDAI – The All-Sufficient One, the Source of All Blessing

·         JEHOVAH-JIREH – The Lord will Provide; the God of Provision

·         EL OLAM – The Everlasting God; the Eternal One; Always and Forever

·         IMMANUEL – I AM; With Us is God; Direct Reference to Jesus

·         ADONAI – The LORD, Master, the One with Absolute Authority

·         EL ELOHE YISRAEL – the God of Israel; Distinct from all False gods

Little Church Prayer Focus This Week…

·         Deb DeSimone has been in the hospital for a week with severe vertigo

·         Recovery from a stroke for Sawdust artist Helen McNamara

·         Transition of two new Elders – Rick Scott and Terry Jacobson

·         Startup of Impact, Refuge, Good News Club and Worship Warriors

·         Startup of all adult classes and studies

·         Marilyn Ghere’s brother Jim Henry battling leukemia

·         Worship Team, that God will continue to be highly exalted

What a Tremendous Prayer: “Lord, take my lips, and speak through them; take my mind, and think through it; take my heart, and set it on fire.”  – William H. H. Aitken

May God give each one of you and week of victories.

Pastor Jay