“Zaccheaus, get down from that tree,” shouted Jesus to the bewildered tax collector who had just shimmied up a sycamore. In teaching this passage yesterday at Little Church (Luke 19:1-10), I suggested some wonderful imagery can be seen here. Jesus is just days from the crucifixion and the passage lends itself to some wonderful comparisons.
Five times in the New Testament the cross is referred to as a tree. Here are two of them…
“For Jesus Himself bore our sins in His body on the TREE, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness, for by His wounds you were healed. 1 Peter 2:24
AndPeter said, “We are witnesses of all that Jesus did, both in Israel and Jerusalem and how they put Him to death by hanging Him on a TREE, but God raised Him on the third day and He appeared to us.” Acts 10:39,40
So here are some interesting comparisons…
· Zaccheus is coming down a tree; Jesus is about to go up a tree.
· Zaccheus is coming down a tree to receive salvation; Jesus will be going up a tree to provide salvation.
· Zacchaeus is coming down a tree and he begins a new life; Jesus is going up a tree and his life here on earth will end.
· Zacchaeus comes down a tree and is filled with joy; Jesus is going up a tree and will be filled with anguish.
· Zacchaues comes down a tree changed forever; Jesus will go up a tree that you and I might be changed forever.
· Zacchaeus comes down a tree because Jesus called him by name; Jesus will go up a tree so that one day He might call you by name.

From my friend Tom who lives in Idaho: “Laguna Beach is without a doubt a beautiful place.”
Photo: Greg Sowle
Prayer Focus This Week…
· Junior High Winter Camp at Camp Ponderosa (Pondo) takes place this coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Pray the kids are wonderfully touched by God
· Jeff’s Deeper Walk Bible Study resumes this coming Wednesday in Fellowship Hall, a more in-depth look at the teaching from Sunday, starting at 6:30 pm.
· Greg’s Men’s Bible Study in the Upper Room commences this Tuesday night at 7 pm. The men will be looking into 2ndPeter.
· Alison Hecht and Robin Tench continue their women’s Bible study on Wednesday’s from 11:30 am to 1 pm, teaching from the Book of Revelation. Also in Fellowship Hall.
· Youth and children ministries also all begin again this week.
Question? I prayed sort of tongue-in-cheek at the end of the service yesterday that the Rams would win their football game against the New Orleans Saints, taking them to the Super Bowl. They did. I received this text after the game: “God heard your prayer! Above all the preachers in Louisiana.”
Pretty funny. What do you think?
May God’s love fill your hearts this week.