My home in the canyon is graced by a number of rose bushes.
When you look at a rose bush you can either see the beauty of the rose or you can focus on the thorns. You can be grateful for what a magnificent flower the rose is, or you can grumble about the pain a thorn might inflict.
You can declare, “Life is more wonderful because God has given us the blessing of the rose.” Or you can begrudge the rose because the thorns intimidate and trouble you.
You and I can choose to give thanks to God for all the glorious aspects of life, or we can choose to complain and find fault about the issues that bother us.
We can encourage, affirm and love people and thank God for them, or we can criticize and judge and choose to look at their weaknesses or failures.
Did you know that the quality of your life, whether you are going to love life and enjoy it, or you’re going to live unhappily, is directly related to how thankful you are to God. That to live life to its fullest you need to be thankful. And if you want to find joy in your life you must first find thankfulness. The person who is most content and at peace is the thankful person.
You can turn your life completely around by just being thankful even for the little things. But I suspect there is so much we can all be thankful for.
The Psalmist wrote, “O give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His loving-kindness is everlasting.” And further wrote, “It is good to give thanks unto the Lord.” Why, because when we do our hearts are made glad.
And so this week, as I write this at our lovely church here in Laguna, I give thanks for all of you, I give thanks for my family, I give thanks for our beloved city, and I give unending thanks for the indescribable gift of Christ Jesus in my life.
To close, some people grumble because roses have thorns. For me, I am thankful that thorns have roses.
Two ways to think. Two ways to look at life. Two ways to live.
Speaking of Being Grateful: To my beloved wife Nikki, so very grateful for you as we celebrate 45 years of marriage this coming Saturday.

A picture I especially love of the lady I consider so very beautiful and completely captivating.
Prayer Focus This Week – One overriding prayer target this week is the 60 kids/leaders in the Dominican Republic, building four homes for the poor. Pray for great teamwork, safety, fruitfulness, friendship, deeper connection with God, and even life-changing moments. Also pray for health and personal decisions for Christ, as well as spiritual renewal. They will be coming home this weekend.
Finally: Thanking God for all the recent rain. My how we have needed it. Also, may the reign of God be very real to you this week.