There once was a pastor in a small New England town. One day he saw a young boy coming toward him, swinging an old, rusty bird cage. On the inside were four small birds, shivering with cold and fright. “What you got there, son” he asked. “Just some old birds,” the lad replied. “Whatcha going to do with them?” said the pastor. “Take ‘em home and have fun with ‘em. Tease them, pull their feathers out, hit the cage with a stick and scare ‘em. Have a real good time.”
“How much do want for them birds, son?” “Huh?”, the lad said. “Why would you want these plain old dumb field birds?” “How much?” he asked again. “I’ll take $10,” the boy said. Handing him the money, the pastor walked to a meadow, coaxed the birds out of the cage, and watched them fly off to freedom.
The next Sunday the pastor shared this story. One day Satan boasted to Jesus. “I’ve got the whole world in the palm of my hand. Got all the people.” “What are you going to do with them?” asked Jesus. “Oh, I’ll have fun. I’ll tempt them to hurt each other, to be cruel, how to hate, to abuse and even murder. I’ll create wars and all kinds of trouble.”
“How much do you want for them?” asked Jesus. “Oh, you don’t want those people,” said Satan. “They ain’t no good. They’ll just reject you, curse your name, lie about you and many will ignore you altogether.” “How much?” asked Jesus again. Satan sneered, “All your tears, your blood, your very life.”
“And that’s exactly what Jesus did,” shared the pastor. “Paid that terrible price, and for every one of you who believe, you’ve been freed, liberated, completely set free. “

And Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
Prayer Needs This Week…
· Mission trip to Thailand next week
· Mark Ellis’ trip to Myanmar, also next week
· Those in financial troubles in the church
· The new Biblically-based financial class starting up
· Those needing employment
· The Kessner’s move to Illinois; David well enough to travel
· The almost 20 children who have received the Lord in recent weeks
May God’s grace and mercy be yours in abundance this week.