Transitioning: It’s with mixed emotions Little Church says goodbye to some people we really love, all who are moving in the next couple of weeks. Pastor Greg Sowle and his wife Michelle are heading to Colorado Springs.Bobbi Boyd and Colleen Sullivan are journeying to Texas and Bob, Jenny and David Kessner are relocating to Illinois. May God bless these moves. All of us at Little Church have been wonderfully blessed by each one of them and they will be very much missed.
Last Prayer Letter for Awhile: It’s that time of the year when I take a team and visit our ministry in Thailand/Myanmar, going on for over 10 years now. And when I return, I am home for a couple of days and then fly to Florida where I am officiating the memorial for Pastor J. Michael Montgomery who died recently. Mike is the former pastor of our church way back in the late 60’s, early 70’s. My mentor, friend and colleague, Mike married Nikki and me and gave me my first opportunity to teach the Word of God. The gifted Messianic worship leader Marty Goetz will be singing at the service.
Going to Asia is Bruce and Linda Ungerland, Alison Hecht, Mark Ellis and myself. Mark is actually journeying to a different area in Myanmar, working on a church plant to the Tai Leng people. The rest of us will be visiting a church plant nearer the Thai/Burmese border. Also included in our trip with be teaching/training both in Bangkok and Sangkhlaburi (a beautiful village high in the western Thailand mountains), a baptism, dental ministry, teaching English, a reunion with former friends, carpentry classes with Bruce, a prayer seminar, and one-on-one ministry.
Here are a few photos of people we love there, which I shared in the service this morning…

Clockwise – Abby, Rolyn, Zoe, Senna, Faith and Serah who all live in a home we rent for them

Senna, is attending culinary school in Kanchanaburi to become an executive chef

This is Joseph, transporting kids on one motorcycle to our church service at 3 Pagodas

Summer Kung who we sent to four years of college in Bangkok and now leads tour groups.
Summer speaks three languages fluently – Thai, Burmese and English. And she is a great cook.

Coordinator Rolyn Cadiz with assistant Josh; we rent a truck weekly to transport more kids.

Linda cleans lots of teeth on our trips, working here on Cathy, a Filipino missionary
Prayer Focus This Week – for those of us heading for Asia, that it would be a safe, healthy and fruitful trip, that God would touch many throughthe ministry imparted and there would be those who give their hearts and lives to Christ.
I highly recommend this seminar in renewing hope/trust for the future

Questions/more info can be directed to Dianne Baskevitch 949-235-9811
It will be about a month before I send another prayer letter. So appreciate you praying for the trip, the church and our friends who are moving elsewhere.
Pastor Jay