Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

The Pilgrimage 4/29/19

The Pilgrimage

There’s a narrow road of pilgrimage
I’ve chosen for my days
And I know the price of traveling there
Will cost my life, my ways
And it stretches farther than my eyes
Could ever hope to see
But I know the Lover of my soul
Has laid this path for me 

When I first began this pilgrimage
My youthful fervor dimmed
As I turned to learning all about
But never knowing Him
So He bent the road to slow my pace
Until my eyes could see
That the gentle Lover of my soul
Had come romancing me 

When I falter on this pilgrimage
He never leaves my side
As I wrestle with my guilt and shame
He waits for me to hide
Under precious , cleansing blood he shed
Upon the rugged tree
And I know the Lover of my soul
Was bleeding there for me 

There’s no need to fear this pilgrimage
His faithfulness endures
I embrace the days of wandering
He makes my way secure
And the weeping valleys turn to springs
His sovereign hand redeems
And I know the Lover of my soul
Is keeper of my dreams 

I have learned to love this pilgrimage
The wonder, joy and pain
As the seasons pass from strength to strength
I come to know His ways
For the One who died a desperate love
Has caused my life to sing
And I love the Lover of my soul
My Bridegroom, Savior, King

The Author: I spoke with Sheri Smith, the writer of the Pilgrimage, a few years ago, asking her if I could republish it. She very graciously agreed. Read it a few times. There are a number of  references to Psalm 84. I love this poem.

Red-heads, horses and the ocean; three of God’s most superlative creations.

 Prayer Focus This Week…

  • Kristy Lizotte’s family over the loss of her father
  • Paul Hadley – Zoe’s husband who is having heart surgery tomorrow (Tuesday)
  • Recovery of local businessman, Scott Thompson, from a bad motorcycle accident
  • National Day of Prayer, this Thursday, May 2 at noon at the flag pole in front of City Hall; encourage you to join us.
  • Ty Fleming, deployed overseas for six months; pray for his safety
  • Jolanta’s father in Poland, fighting serious cancer
  • Marriage Class – next Sunday in Fellowship Hall

Contact Info For the Kessner’s
: address at 400 W Forrest Hill Ave, Peoria, IL 61604; phones – Bob Kessener  949-434-7587; Jenny Kessener  949-434-7588

A Turned-Around Proverb: “Perfect fear casts out love.”

Pastor Jay