We are a community of believers endeavoring to live as God's people with Christ as the central focus of our lives.

I Can’t Get No Satisfaction 6/11/19

“Come unto to Me, all you who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

I spent a lot of time in bars and pool joints when I was young. I drank my share of beer and shot thousands of games of pool. One summer night in 1962, at a Santa Ana bowling alley, I shot 9 hours of pool and won a 55 Chevy.

I know first-hand why some people like pool halls and bars – the joy of shooting pool with buddies, competitive matches against the best from other cities, friendships, cold beer, watching sports, cheering for your team, hanging out and having fun.

But now that I am a believer, I’ve seen the painful downside – wasted lives, the debilitating effects of alcoholism, DUI’s, alcohol/drug-related suicides, unfaithfulness to a spouse, marriages sabotaged, and severe addiction. Lives completely ruined. Partying to the point of near insanity.

I point no fingers at partiers. I was one. And even now I am entirely comfortable with such folk. I know how they feel. I understand why they drink. I know why they use. I fully identify with them. I know they are trying to fill the emptiness inside, ease the restlessness of their souls and hoping alcohol, drugs and sex is the answer.

I know desperation and loneliness. I remember the night around 1969 that I pulled my little VW bug over to the side of the road and wept bitterly, overwhelmed with a sense of futility and hopelessness. What was life all about? I had no idea. The Rolling Stones didn’t either when they wrote the most prophetic song of all time – “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction.”

Jesus rescued me from it all and I am so grateful. Saved me from myself. From all the kegger’s and parties and late night pool marathons. But I am going to be honest with you. Every once in awhile, and I am feeling it tonight, I would love to stroll into a smoky old-fashioned pool hall and shoot a heads-up game of eight-ball, slap hands with buddies and give a good loud shout when, in one of those rare instances, the table has been run.

Not Sure Who Said This: “The undeniable sign of a misspent youth is a good pool player.”

Augustine Said This: “You O Lord have created us for Yourself and our hearts are restless until we find our rest in You.”

Prayer Focus This Week – please pray for this one need, that all the kids at Little Church by the Sea would finish school well, have a safe summer, make good choices, stay out of trouble, and so ‘no’ to the dangerous things of this culture. That God would give parents wisdom in overseeing their kids and setting good boundaries.

Very grateful this week for the grace of God.
