We are a community of believers endeavoring to live as God's people with Christ as the central focus of our lives.

The Prophet 7/1/19

“And God gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers.”  Ephesians 4:11

The prophet. God has graced the Body of Christ with this very important person, and done so for its good. I would say even for its survival. Unfortunately the prophet goes mostly unrecognized. And often is not wanted. But more, this one is almost always rejected. Which is troubling as they are perhaps the most relevant of all God’s servants.

The prophet speaks to the moment. The now. And it’s a hard word they give. Straight to the point. Direct, challenging spiritual mediocrity. Apathy. Religious nonsense. Professional Christianity. Man’s methods, plans and ideas that go nowhere and have no life. Thus he’s often not well liked. Misunderstood. Considered a problem.

The prophet despises compromise. Doesn’t care if everyone’s happy. Is not a man-pleaser. Yet truly love God’s people. And when they speak, there’s tears in their eyes, because their heart breaks over the spiritual condition of their hearers.

The prophet has the spirit of a volcano, words that burn as fire, a soul passionate for God, a heart that weeps for the lost. He seems too austere, too rigid, too negative, too controversial, too blunt and intimidating. He’s a voice crying in the wilderness, lamenting an impotent church, compromising believers, and a dying culture.

The prophet confronts dead religion, stagnant churchianity, rote ritual, smug orthodoxy, frozen fundamentalism, permissive liberalism, and in-bred Christianity. And this one cares little for the approval of man, only the approval of God.

He sees himself as a man of dust, and often beseeches God to save him from himself. And the end of his call, his greatest desire, is always God’s glory. Never his. He does all to see God honored and glorified.

The prophet. Never has a voice been so desperately needed in churches all over this nation.

Prayer Focus This Week –

  • Babies recently born to Brina and Matt Holley and Bill Devin’s daughter Elsa. Pray for quick recovery for mom and the babies to grow strong.
  •  Baby Asher, born two months premature
  • Greg Sowle’s new job at CCB in Colorado Springs, the company we use for our website. We are thrilled for our beloved brother.
  • Thad – Acute Myeloid Luekemia
  • VBS coming up in two weeks

Quotes I Jotted Down During Morning Prayer…

          “Lord, deliver us from repetitive poor patterns that cause poor choices.”

And, while listening to Kim Walker’s song “Break Every Chain” this prayer was uttered, “God, my chains are very thick and sometimes I love them too much.”

Pastor Jay