Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

R U Good News or Bad? 8/20/19

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ has forgiven you.”  Ephesians 4:32

Do people love to be around you? Or do they feel uncomfortable? Are you a blessing to others or are you difficult for them. Are people happy to see you, or not? Are you a good news person? Or are you bad news?

The good news person. You’re good news to your family because you love so deeply. You’re good news to your friends because you affirm, encourage and build them up. You’re good news at work because you are supportive, considerate, respectful and work hard. You’re good news to your church because you spread the grace and peace of Christ all the time. You love God and you love people.

The bad news person. They’re bad news because they are flat out negative. They criticize, complain, show disapproval, and intimidate. They carry a bad spirit, try and control others, always think they’re right, and constantly are correcting you. When the bad news person arrives at your home, the kids go outside, the dog hightails it upstairs, the wife takes a nap and everybody gets tense.

Interestingly, the word “gospel” literally means “good news.” It’s good news that Jesus offers us a brand new life, forgiveness and grace. How about you? Are you good news? Do people light up when they see you? Or do they want to run the other way because you’re bad news?

My challenge to you this week? Is to be really good news to somebody you love.

Prayer Focus This Week – Virginia Hatlen passed last night so please pray for Loren and the extended Hatlen family. The Hatlen’s served for many years in Little Church and are much loved by so many of us.

Virginia and Loren enjoying the Sawdust Festival a couple of years ago.

Keep fighting the good fight everyone. (2 Timothy 4:7)

Pastor Jay