“I give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in my prayers, constantly bearing in mind your work of faith, labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the presence of our God and Father .” 1 Thessalonians 1:2,3
Thought it would be fun this week to share about what God has been doing in the lives of Little Church members and friends of our ministry. God has graciously blessed so many, and also stepped in and been an ever present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1), and for that I give God much praise. Here is a snapshot of some recent Little Church events….
Right on the front page of Monday’s Orange County Register was the amazing account of 15-year-old Gavin Pike rescuing a lady and her son in a life and death ocean crisis. Swimming off Thalia Street, a rip tide began carrying them out to sea when Gavin, only a week from training with the Laguna Beach Lifeguards, plunged into the water and brought them both back to safety. Gavin has attended Little Church with his dad Jesse, mom Elaine and brother and sister for many years.
- The beloved overseer of our Thailand/Myanmar ministry, Rolyn Cadiz, underwent serious back surgery on Tuesday. Not only was the surgery successful, she has made a good recovery and will be leaving the hospital early. But more. The cost of the surgery was astronomical for Rolyn who had no way to pay. So Tamara and Beka Farrar, who went with me to Thailand three years ago, initiated a Go Fund Me page and the entire amount was raised in four days.
- The worship that Chris, Kirsten and Nikki led a couple of weeks back was so anointed, so powerful, that some attended two services just to enjoy a double-portion of ministering to the Lord in song and music.
- Pastor Toby has led a number of kids in the Children’s ministry to the Lord in recent weeks, both in the Good News Club at El Morro and in Sunday School. She has such a gift for presenting the gospel to young ones.
- I would say the teaching in Ephesians 5 and Psalm 23 recently has been some of the best in the history of Little Church. The teachers, Jeff, Toby and others have done a great job in giving us a Word in due season, applying beautifully the text to our everyday lives.
- Pray for the mission trip to Myanmar that Tru and Shari Yamamoto, Mark, Sally and Nate Ellis are taking this week with about a dozen other believers from various churches. Led by Asian evangelist Paul Ai, the team will be conducting medical and dental outreach as well as evening crusades to the Burmese people. Mark also hopes to make further contact with the Tai Leng tribe, an unreached people group deep in the Burma mountains.
- So grateful for the faithful ones who pray in the Upper Room morning after morning as I have watched God respond over and over to their intercession. It feels increasingly like a 1 Corinthians 14:26 meeting where everyone present is contributing in some wonderful way, using their unique personalities and gifting.
- Judy Nazemi has done an extraordinary job in facilitating the visitation ministry to church members and their families, people who have ended up in the hospital or in assisted living.
- As has Alison Hecht who has prayed for many years on Monday night appointments.
Some immediate prayer needs:
** Sally Eimer’s mother passed on Friday evening
** Colleen Sullivan – diagnosed with a serious illness and needs our prayers
** Continue to pray for Mary Montgomery over the loss of her son Jonathan
** And the family of Penny Stasny over the loss of Jean Paul
** Myanmar Missions Trip
The baptism of Maggie Pearlman two weeks ago, administered by Jeff and Toby, was probably the most well attended baptism I can remember.
- The Thanks-chili night at the Sawdust Festival last weekend was a resounding success. An estimated 150 people attended.
- Three of the young girls living in our Youth Center at the Thai/Myanmar border are graduating high school in a couple of months. How proud we are of these remarkable young ladies, all of whom have come to us from extremely difficult circumstances. Their names are Abby, Faith and Senna. Pray for their futures and clear direction from the Lord in what to do next.
Sangkhla Buri is where our Youth Center is located. Visiting there in February.
Here is the December schedule at Little Church…
** Four Advent Service (12/1, 12/8, 12/15, 12/22) Sundays, 7:00-8:00 pm
** Hospitality Night, Friday, December 6, worship team sets up at the Lumberyard Plaza
** Children’s Christmas Pageant, Sunday, December 15
** Christmas Eve Candlelight Services – 4:30 and 6:00 pm
** New Year’s Day Morning Prayer – at the summit of the fire road between Moulton Meadows Park and TOW
** New Year’s Day Evening Worship Service – 7 pm in the sanctuary
- Pastor Sam called me from Israel last week, glorifying God for all that was taking place in his life. He was in a Bedouin tent in the south of Israel, worshipping with a Messianic Jewish Worship Team. Pray for his future as he returns to the United States on December 20.
Pray for the artists at the Sawdust Festival as they attempt to make sales in a really cold and rainy environment. Friday was the coldest day I can ever remember in 47 years down there, and neither I, nor Mia Tacklind, who works for Nikki, could stay warm.
- Congratulations to Bill and Patty Darnall on the recent birth of twin girls to their daughter Michelle.
- How fast does time fly? – I have a granddaughter, Zoe, who is now a freshman at Walla Walla University in Washington. Gosh, it seems like she was just born. Makes me value every day.
Christopher Hemsley made 90 of 100 free throws at a recent basketball event. That’s astonishing.
- I was perusing a 2009 phone directory yesterday. So many people I miss who have moved, who were such a wonderful part of Little Church.
- The Memorial Service for Bert Clark takes place next Saturday morning, December 7 at 11 am in Fellowship Hall.
- Greg and Michelle Sowle, you are missed.
I will be offering a new, weekly five-week discipleship class beginning Monday, January 6, in the Upper Room, from 9:15 to 10:15 am. This will be a continuation of the study a couple of years back.
I am writing this between Saturday shifts at the Sawdust. As you may have figured out, I love to write and I love the people at our church. May God bring increase to all of your lives in this coming week.
Pastor Jay