Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Never, Ever Give Up 12/27/19

This message wraps up 2019, a year that for many was very tough. It was in my life. But it also had some wonderful moments. Right at the top for me was the New Year’s day worship night when the Holy Spirit met my heart for the entire evening as Chris, Kirsten, Nikki and team created a beautiful tapestry of worship songs. By the way, that very same sweet worship service is coming up next Wednesday evening at 7 pm, right here in the Little Church sanctuary.

This week I thought I’d share what’s on my heart for this final message of 2019, what I’ve been dealing with personally and pastorally. Here goes… encouraged, you are going to make it. You’ll make it because God will help you, if you let Him. Don’t lose heart and don’t lose hope. You have no idea what God has in store for your life. Trust Him. Stay faithful. Steadfast. Sober and alert.

Forgive those who have crushed you. Unforgiveness will eat you alive. Stay clear of negative thinking. Self-condemnation. Self-pity. Feeling unworthy. Quit making excuses. Watch out for the tricks of the enemy. Be careful not to drift. Avoid compromise. Bless when you feel like cursing.

If you fail, pick yourself up and try and not repeat the failure. Be care what your eyes look at. Never underestimate how weak your flesh is. Do not be deceived by this culture which is increasingly calling evil good and good evil. Watch too much news and it will make you insane.

Ask to be immersed with the Holy Spirit every day and don’t forget to put on the full armor of God. Pray – miracles take place when you do. If you are feeling spiritually weak, you probably haven’t been reading your Bible. It is alive with inspiration and encouragement.

Try and love God and try and love one another. Fight the good fight, stay the course, keep the faith. And never, ever give up.


A Note From Bill and Patty Darnall: Bill and I wanted to share with everyone what God has been doing in our lives. Our oldest daughter Michelle gave birth to two identical twins girls on Nov.12th. It was a long journey due to the fact that it was a high risk pregnancy . They are healthy and came home recently. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. God is always watching over us. We are so THANKFUL and BLESSED. Meet Sienna and  Lily.


I will be holding a new five-week Bible Study.
Here are the particulars…

Overall Theme – Living For Christ in 2020; Place – Upper Room
Every Monday from 9:15 am to 10:30 am, starting January 6-13-20-27-Feb 3

  • January 6 – Theme – “Open The Eyes of Our Heart”; a look at how God is revealed in Scripture, nature and in Christ. A study of God’s attributes, character, and heart for us.
  • January 13 – Theme – “Breaking Free from Self-Destructive Behavior”; finding freedom from fear, shame, self-condemnation, bitterness, negative thinking, repetitive sin.
  • January 20 – Theme – “Let It Rain”, Understanding the Holy Spirit and it’s crucial role in your life. A look at the person of the Holy Spirit, power, spiritual gifts, the fruit of the Holy Spirit, conviction.
  • January 27 – Theme – “The Word of God Changes Your Life.” A study on inspiration, revelation, the uniqueness of Scripture, spiritual nourishment, power, logos/rhema, reproof.
  • February 3 – Theme – “The Final Act”; An in-depth look at the 2nd Coming of Christ; understanding prophecy, the signs of Christ’s coming, our attitude to a possible return of Christ.


Upcoming Little Church by the Sea Calendar

  • December 29, Sunday, End-Of-The-Year Special Service 9 am and 10:45 am
  • January 1, 2020: New Year’s Day Morning Prayer, 8-9 am; fire road between Moulton Park/TOW
  • January 1, 2020: New Year’s Day Evening Worship Service – 7 pm in the church sanctuary
  • Monday, January 6 – Prayer/Counseling Appointments (in half-hour appts; starting at 6:30 pm)
  • Wednesday, January 8 “Shine Women’s Bible Study” meeting in Fellowship Hall: 11:30-1:00 pm
  • Men’s Tuesday Night Upper Room Bible Study – TBA

Much love in Christ to all of you.
Pastor Jay