Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

The Best Thing We Can Do Right Now – Pray & Worship: Tuesday, March 16, 2020

The Best Thing We Can Do Right Now – Pray & Worship

Hi everybody – well tonight is a night I never imagined would happen, that the church would be locked up for the foreseeable future and after 17 years we would be unable to hold morning prayer in the Upper Room. But we are going to make the best of it and I have figured out that more people than ever may now be praying so that is good. A nice group met every morning to the church to pray but over 50 of you will now be receiving a nightly email from me asking you to pray the next day.

A Scripture that we loved for many years comes from Jeremiah 33:3: “Call unto Me and I will answer you and I will show you great and mighty things which you have never thought nor imagined.” So we will continue to call out to God in faith, believing for extraordinary things on behalf of others.

So for today, Tuesday, March 16….

Suggested Scripture to read: Psalm 46 – God is Our Refuge and Strength

Prayer Needs:

  • Pray God would accelerate the ending of the coronavirus worldwide
  • Provision for all those who have losing jobs and businesses
  • For those in assisted living and rest homes who can no longer have visitation
  • For all the children who may be struggling with fear and trepidation
  • Protection from the virus for all our loved ones
  • That we might worship God even more despite this challenge
  • That our trust in God would not waver.

From a Missionary in Hong Kong: “This time at home with your family can be the sweetest memory in your lives or the worst. It’s up to you. Be purposeful with the gift of time God has given.”

May God light a fire in all our hearts to keep seeking Him…

Pastor Jay