Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A note from your pastor: March 24, 2020

Hello my friends!

I wanted to share with you something I was reading this morning from Jacques Phillippe’s book on peace.  He writes this,

“One of the affirmations of faith that should permanently reside in us is that all the reasons that cause us to lose our sense of peace are bad reasons. This conviction is most certainly not founded on human considerations. It can only be a certitude of faith, founded on the Word of God. It does not reside in the reasoning of the world, as Jesus clearly told us: Peace I leave with you, My own peace I give to you; a peace the world cannot give, this is My gift to you. Let not your hearts be troubled or afraid… (John 14:27).”

Man, I needed that reminder today!  Because I do worry…about tomorrow, about the rest of the school year for my kids, about what college will look like next year for my son, about the state of our world and economy.  About so many unknowns, or things that might go wrong, or possibilities that I haven’t even imagined.

All these thoughts have a way of eroding my peace.  And all of this anxious thinking is a mistake.  Scripture tells us not to carry the burdens of what might happen tomorrow.  Each day we have just enough for the actual trials we face.  And with those trials we must exercise wisdom and discernment and understanding.  But we don’t have the strength to bear all our worries, anxieties and fears.  Instead we must cast those cares on Him.  And we do it with confidence because He is the one, ultimately, in control.   And He cares for us!

Tomorrow night I’ll be doing a Facebook Live again for our Deeper Walk class.  Even if you’ve never attended, I would encourage you to come and take part online.  It is a fun way to connect.  And I promise it will be at least as good as that Netflix show you’ve been binge watching 😉

Afterwards I’m going to set up a zoom call for any that would like to participate in a more face to face interaction.  I now that might feel like one more service to set up, but my gut feeling is that these services are only going to become more relied upon in the future.  So go ahead and set up a free account beforehand and I’ll get you a link to the room.

Don’t forget we’ll have more videos up this week from our pastors, so check the website and enjoy.

And if any of you would like to touch base, I’m available for calls and facetime appointments all week long.  Simply respond to this email and we’ll get something set up.

So hang in there, my friends.  May God lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace!
