Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Your Strength Is Not Enough – Prayer for Tuesday 3/24

Daily Prayer Message, For Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Your Strength Is Not Enough

It’s just six days and counting since we were all given a stay-at-home directive from the governor of California, seeking to curb the coronavirus pandemic. It’s already been really hard on a lot of people. Got a phone call tonight from a friend and Little Church member, practically in tears over this isolation, really wanting to be with friends and his church family. In person. Up close. Talking and laughing and hugging and worshiping together.

I want to encourage those of you growing increasingly antsy, frustrated, anxious or weary. This is a time when our strength may not be enough. When we need help. Where our reserves are low. So I am happy to write and remind you that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) God is there for you. Go to Him.

Are The Beatles Back?

Scripture For Today: Psalm 84, one of my top-five psalms, an exquisite 12 verses on longing for God. If your translation says “Valley of Baca” in verse 6, it means literally “Valley of Weeping.” The promise is as you pass through that valley, you go from strength to strength (vs 7). And take my word everyone, we are going to pass through the valley of this virus, and get through to the other side.

“Passing through the Valley of Baca, they make it a spring.”  Psalm 84:6

 Prayer Focus Today…

  • From Rick Scott who oversees the Friendship Shelter, and works hard to help the homeless…

“I was hoping you may add Friendship Shelter and our homeless population to your prayer letter.  The shelter workers and individuals experiencing homelessness are at great risk of this virus and they are being extremely courageous during this time. Pray for mental, physical and spiritual health of workers and homeless individuals as well as the resources needed to keep everyone safe.”

  • From Mary Hurlbut: “Please pray for my mom, Mary Lawler. Her beloved husband of 20 years, and my stepdad, Jim, passed away last Saturday. He was a believer. Please Lord protect my mom’s heart and heath.”

Looking for the mercy, grace and love of God to meet your hearts today.

Pastor Jay