Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Likely Last Message? Thursday, April 2

Daily Prayer Message, Thursday, April 2, 2020

 Likely Last Message?

Big Change: Wanted to let you all know that starting next Monday, I will be working for Amazon, delivering boxes three days a week, so I am not sure if I will be able to continue this daily prayer message. I’ll let you know. Will make a little extra money and get out of isolation so it’s all good. Be fun to zip around from house to house making people happy as they get their orders.

By The Way: I met with Pastor Sam yesterday in my back yard with his lovely fiancé Rebecca, keeping our appropriate six-foot distance. If they aren’t the cutest couple ever. Rebecca carries such a big heart for God. Sam recently started driving for Amazon, taking Rebecca with him. They’re having just a great time.

Thursday’s Scripture: Psalm 27 – My New American Standard Bible calls this Psalm “A Psalm of Fearless Trust in God.” I read it this morning with a few folks on Zoom and we were all greatly encouraged, with the highlight being on the “courage”. I think this is one vital passage of Scripture that all of us should read every single day for the duration of this coronavirus pandemic. It truly builds faith and releases comfort.

Couldn’t pass up an April Fool’s joke.
The first paragraph isn’t true at all.
Writing this on April I. But how many of you believed it?
My son Micah had a fit when I sent it to him. Really.
I did meet with Pastor Sam and Rebecca. What a treat!

Thursday’s Prayer Needs…

  • Keep praying for babies Asher and Xander, each three years old; both with high fevers.
  • Several in the church who are in real need of a new living situation; room or apartment
  • The women’s ministry leaders (Monica and Chris) are starting a Zoom women’s prayer meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 am, facilitated by Robin Tench. She will be a fabulous overseer as she has such a terrific calling to both lead and impart prayer
  • Keep praying the coronavirus outbreak dwindles quickly
  • My heart is breaking for businesses in Laguna that will not be reopening when all of this is over. The Grove Coffee Shop is one and there are others.

Fight the good fight everyone; stay the course; keep the faith.

And…..keep a sense of humor!

Pastor Jay