Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A Stunning Week, Saturday, April 11

Daily Prayer Message, Saturday, April 11, 2020

 A Stunning Week

          “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also the Greek.”  Romans 1:16

Like No Other. Infinitely meaningful. Profoundly prophetic. Arching from the Old to the New. From Law to grace. Bondage to freedom. Moses to Jesus. A slain lamb to a Lamb slain. Doorposts blood to Redemptive Blood. Death to Life. Passover to Resurrection.

Everywhere is the Power of God. Encircling the Cross. Delivering from sin. Birthing a New Creation. The exceedingly beautiful story of Grace. The Gospel. Good News. Great News. Stupendous News.

Paul’s life purpose was to preach it. Every opportunity he had, every message Paul spoke, he gave the Gospel. He spoke boldly, directly, dedicating his life to speaking of the cross. Inviting all to receive. To believe. The Good News of Christ, the Gospel – the heartbeat of true Christianity.

The Gospel – it is the Power of God unto Salvation for all who Believe.

One Prayer Focus – pray for unsaved friends/family members

Finally: “Every day it becomes better to live in Christ and more perilous to live outside of Him.”   J. Rufus Moseley

P Jay