Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A Special Word, Wed April 15

A Daily Prayer Message, Wednesday, April 15, 2020 

A Special Word

Today, a guest contribution from Bill and Andra Miller’s son, Mark, written for a home church gathering at their Resurrection Sunday celebration. It’s moving and poignant, just a neeeded word from fine a young man.

Mark Miller
Easter, 2020

Who does not feel the shock of the past six weeks?  Death, poverty, fear and anxiety have compromised almost every aspect of our lives. The collection of our bodies has been banned.  Every word we utter seems to carry ten times more consequence than it did only a short time ago. We, as a people, are unsure and on edge.

With so much going on, decisions being made are well beyond our control, breeding reactions of momentous proportions. With the world in shambles, one truth remains: the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, which has guaranteed us peace on earth and eternal life in the presence of the Almighty God.

So, while the world will continue to go on, whether in its own glory or in its own destructive ways, we as disciples of Jesus Christ, must hold true to what we know:  We are in this world, but not of it. The Spirit of Truth in us has captivated this mindset and made it a critical part of our identity. So, nothing in this world can scare us – no physical or spiritual object has any bearing on our lives except those placed before us by Christ Himself.

Have joy, therefore! Evil cannot touch us! Jesus has already won!

Our commander, the God of life, has stomped Satan out from under Him by sending His son to die, to be buried and to rise again; because of this, we as sinners, nevertheless have our names inscribed in God’s holy sanctuary.

If we really believe these things and we really believe in the redeeming reality that is the resurrection, let us fall down and shout praises because we are protected as children of God!

The world is of the evil one but we are not of the world.  We are of God. This was only made possible by the cross. Thank you Jesus for protecting us, for giving us the word of your Father and most importantly for coming back to us and for refusing to leave us even though we consciously sin against you.  It is Your resurrection that is the utter hope of our lives.   Amen

Wednesday’s Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”

Wednesday’s Prayer Needs…

  • Jo Jensen, Eric’s wife, recovering from surgery yesterday
  • Garrison, Toni/Gary Smith’ grandson, doing much better in his battle with cancer. Keep praying.
  • Chris Lizotte’s mother Nancy; not feeling well in recent months
  • Maddi Mae, prematurely born, slowly getting better but she is not out of the woods.
  • Yvonne Armstrong’s mother, in a nursing home, and just tested positive for the virus.

Keep praying God annihilates this virus soon – P Jay