Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Longing to Know Him, Tues 4/21

Daily Prayer Message, Tuesday, April 21, 2020

 Longing to Know Him

Deep within all of us is a cry for real connection with God. Our spirit longs to know Him, to encounter and experience God in a true and meaningful way. But too often we discover a disorientating breach between us and God. Living in a fallen world, struggling with our own flesh and exhausted at times by spiritual warfare, we can face barrenness and discouragement. It is then we must walk by faith. We persevere. We keep knocking. Especially now. In this crazy isolation. A reconnection with God can make all the difference.

Just as the Father has loved Me, so I have loved you. Abide in My love. John 15:9

 Tuesday’s Prayer Needs…

  • That during this time of staying at home, our connection with God would deepen.
  • That we all would make good use of our time – reading Scripture, exercising, praying,
  • That we would keep TV viewing and especially the news at a minimum
  • Patience
  • Looking for ways to bless others.

From G.K. Chesterton: “Christianity recognizes that a world of hurt is surrounded by a universe of joy.”

Remember – be patient – Pastor Jay