Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A Message from Me, Wed 4/22

Daily Prayer Message, Wednesday, April 22

A Message From Me

Hello everyone:

I started writing this daily prayer message on the day I found out all meetings had been cancelled at the church, sometime in mid-March. I wanted to keep us praying as a church and also write some daily encouragement. Not only did the prayer people in the church receive daily needs, we also posted the message on our website. Then a couple of weeks after we shutdown, we started a Zoom meeting for those who had been attending morning prayer. It has turned out to be a blessing, working well.

After the Zoom morning meeting clicked, I continued writing the daily prayer message, still being posted on the website. I figured a few others would pray and they have. So I will continue to write, at least for the immediate future. I have the time and it’s a way for me to stay connected within the church.

Wednesday Prayer Needs – there are a number of people fighting illnesses of various sorts, none the COVID-19 virus, and also recovering from surgeries, etc., that I am now going to list. I am only going to mention first names for some as they have asked for privacy and I want to respect that….

          Barb Goldstein, Linda, John, Tricia Reiss, Nikki Grant, Nick, David Kessner, Colleen, Jo Jensen, Nancy, Gil, Anne, Ken Brooks, Taffy, Randi, Garrison, Maddi Mae, Christina, Cole, Aubrey, Debbie.

          ** These need our fervent prayers for recovery, restoration and healing. If you have someone else we can pray for, please forward to me.

Wednesday Scripture: “Call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, more than you can imagine.” Jeremiah 33:3

May God be gloried in the answers He will be bringing to our prayers.

Pastor Jay