Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Like An Angel, Sat 4/25

Daily Prayer Message, Saturday, April 25, 2020

Like An Angel

 There are times when all of us find life tough. Things are hard. You feel a little paralyzed. Disorientated. And then God, being rich in mercy and compassion, suddenly visits you. He sends someone, full of grace and kindness. They just appear. Like an angel. At the right time. Showing up, taking your hand, refreshing your soul, loving on you, praying over you, and encouraging your heart. This is what the Spirit of God does. Breathes new life into us. Gives us a touch of heaven. Through others. Who understand. Who care. And then we feel new again. Refreshed. O the unimaginable love of God.

How tenderly the Holy Spirit often moves upon us

Saturday Prayer Focus…

  • “My husband and I have been together for years. We fought on his birthday and it was completely my fault. We haven’t spoken in over a week and he wants space. He is not sure about us anymore and for the first time I feel our relationship will end. I’m doing everything I can to fight for us and praying every day. I ask your church to pray over our relationship.”

                    ** From a brokenhearted wife who contacted us

  • Nick de la Pena – in ICU with pneumonia, fibrosis on his lungs and on breathing tubes. Does not have COVID-19; but fighting to live; also pray for the family
  • Diane – knee replacement surgery coming up in the next few days

Finally: “When you hear words that inspire, or listen to the singing of the minstrels, or hear the sound of the wind in the trees, or the waves breaking upon the shore; then love God all the more because of it.” Anon-

Pastor Jay