Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A Harrowing Ride, Fri, May 1

Daily Prayer Message, Friday, May 1, 2020

 A Harrowing Ride

Jeff told me at the beginning of this pandemic that a health official friend said we would all likely know someone who might die from the virus. Just yesterday I thought, well, no one so far. Then I got a message this morning that a high school classmate just died from COVID-19 in Tennessee. His name was Jack and he holds a special memory for me. One day he drove to my house in Cowan Heights (Tustin Hills) and took me for a spin in his new MG Roadster. He took the corners so fast I thought we were going to turn over. Scared me to death. Crazier and more harrowing than any roller coaster ride at Magic Mountain. Can still feel my heart pounding. Rest in peace Jack. I’ll certainly never forget you.

A 1958 Classic MG Roadster, similar to the one I rode in with my friend, Jack.

Friday’s Prayer Needs…

  • Here’s one more physician who attends Little Church to add to your prayers. Aaron Wilcox is a doctor, married to Ashley and they have a baby named Remi and another little girl named Olive. It is hard on the family when Aaron has been exposed and needs to be quarantined until his test results come in. Pray for their safety and protection.
  • We have one high schooler who has started a Bible Study with five close friends. They meet in a parking lot in their cars to keep social distancing. Pray God will make the study fruitful
  • A painful inheritance squabble in the family of one of Little Church’s beloved members. Pray the family can come together in agreement and unity
  • The finances of some are now being greatly affected. Pray many can get back to work soon.

Friday’s Scripture: “Therefore there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1

          ** No condemnation. None. Nada. Zilcho. So understand that you can be free of guilt and shame.

Pastor Jay