Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Doing Our Part Sat, 5/2

Daily Prayer Message, Saturday, May 2, 2020

Doing Our Part

A Flea and an Elephant: A flea lived in the ear of an elephant and they were very good friends. One day the elephant lumbered across a rather small bridge, causing it to shake and lurch and sway. Once on the other side, the flea said to the elephant, “Wow, we really shook up that bridge, didn’t we.”

I liken that story to prayer, as those who pray are carried by God who is the One really doing all the work. We just join with God in what He is doing. He is the strength, the power and might behind all that is accomplished. Our prayers simply motivate God to respond to the needs around us. God will do His part if we do ours.

Saturday Prayer Needs…

  • Recovery from yesterday’s elbow surgery for Greg Farnes
  • A man named John, known to one of our members, had a terrible fall on pavement. Immediate surgery required due to risk of paralysis. 78 years old, not a believer
  • Sunday Online Church at Little Church by the Sea
  • Full recovery for Matt from a very tough surgery
  • Sharon Morris, recovery from bleeding on brain/pnemonia
  • Still thanking God Laguna Beach has not had one coronavirus death
  • President Trump and all governors, wisdom in reopening the country
  • The family of Jim McGhee, my neighbor for 45 years, just passed
  • Dominic at Dizz’s Restaurant, able to stay in business
  • That God would make a way for the summer festivals to open

Saturday’s Scripture: “Love bears all things; believes all things; hopes all things; endures all things. 1st Corinthians 13:7

When life is said and done, and it’s all over, all that matters is how we have loved.

Pastor Jay