Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

More Love To Thee, Fri 5/22

Daily Prayer Message, Friday, May 22, 2020

More Love To Thee

I usually do not make a video the central focus of a daily prayer letter but this video is so unusually tender, sweet, beautiful and charming I am making an exception. I love the hymn and the vocalist singing is such a pure worshiper I was drawn immediately into God’s presence. I hope you are as touched and inspired by this video as I was.

“How lovely are Your dwelling places, O Lord of Hosts. My soul longs and yearns for the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the Living God.” Psalm 84:1,2

Friday’s Prayer Focus – pray that new, intense, passionate, Spirit-filled worship would fill churches across the world in coming days, that God would release such a powerful worship anointing churches and people would be completely transformed.

To Close: “I want my heart to be stunned over how amazing God is.” Cheryl Allen

Pastor Jay  Psalm 145:1-7