Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A note from your pastor: May 27, 2020

Hello, my friends!

I have been spending the last week or so going through countless articles and webinars on how to effectively reopen our churches.  It has been quite an educational experience, to say the least!  I am so thankful to so many who have provided excellent counsel and perspective.  I just want you all to know that we’re continuing to press into this and we will have more definitive guidelines arriving shortly.

During this time of transition, I want to remind all of us to be practicing a compassionate stance.  Often it is easy to see these matters as they affect me alone, and we forget that I am “my brother’s keeper” in so many ways.  That what we do for the “least of these” we do unto God.  So keep being generous!  You guys are doing great!

I came across this statement this morning that I found interesting.  It said, ?“The “remembering” of God, of which we sing in the Psalms, is simply the rediscovery that God remembers us.”  What a powerful thought!  When we reminisce about all God has done for us, how can we not be drawn to the greater reality that He is with us as we are remembering? In fact, it is part of God’s love that is drawing us to remember in the first place!  It is as if God is whispering to us to rediscover that He is right here, always and already an ever-present help in time of need.

How I love that reminder!  As we are studying the Psalms, let the words not only fill you with gratitude for what God has done.  Rediscover the wonder that He will never leave you nor forsake you.  That you are like a child under the shelter of His wings.  That the gift of intimacy is right in front of you, waiting to be rediscovered.

Tonight is Deeper Walk and I sure hope you can join us!  We’ll be talking tonight about Psalm 124 and the path that leads to wisdom.  Hope to see you there!  We meet at 7 PM via zoom and you can get there by clicking this link right here.  Or you can go to Zoom and use the meeting ID: 652 073 534 and the password 424026.

So keep pressing on!  May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way!

Love you guys!