Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A note from your pastor: June 1, 2020

Hello, my friends!

This last Sunday we looked at the beautiful promise in Psalm 125:1 that “those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.” Which sounds beautiful.  But while I still look at this verse with hopefulness, I cannot help but question this promise of stability.  Because right now, it feels like the whole world is shaking.  Even the mountains.  Nothing feels secure.

I know that I am not alone in feeling overwhelmed with sadness for all that is taking place right now in our country, community, and world.  I am humbled and grieving.  I see the pain and confusion in the eyes of my own children, in the cries of distress from dear friends who continue to suffer from the horrible reality of racism, and from the anguish and lack of hope felt as we look to the future and wonder, how long?

But I do take comfort in this scripture.  Especially when it is held alongside others like Isaiah 54:10 which says, “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you.”

This is where our trust lies.  Not in circumstances, or economics, or job security, or even our health and wellness. When those things are shaken they collapse.  Instead, it is in the love of God where our faith is placed, and this God will never leave you nor forsake you.  And faith is the ability to fall back into this love, even when you’ve lost hope.  His love surrounds you.  It indwells you.  Let your roots sink deep into this promise.  God’s unfailing love for you will not be shaken.  Ever.

And this love compels us to keep pressing forward.  And so we will.  I want to encourage all of us to let our words be few.  Let us listen intently and with humility.  Let us lay aside our anger and respond instead with love.  Because that is how we let the light in.

I am excited to let you know that our Deeper Walk class will be meeting this week in person in the Fellowship Hall at church!  It has been so long since we’ve gathered and I’m thrilled to see all of you that can attend!  Our meeting time will be shortened from 7-8 and will involve a few adjustments.  Distanced chairs, hand washing upon entering and masks will be worn by all.

I can hear some of you groaning, but realize this…wearing a mask is the best way we know how to protect others.  I have talked to so many medical practitioners and this is the resounding recommendation. Wearing a mask is an act of compassion, not a demonstration of fear.  We are saying to others around us, “I care about you.”

And for those of you who aren’t comfortable or are at risk, just know that we’ll continue to have Zoom available to connect.  I’m already strategizing on ways to make us all feel connected.  It may take a little practice, but we’ve got this!

I sure love you and hope that you’ll be able to join us Wednesday night, either virtually or in person.  Until then, be safe, keep praying, and know that God’s unfailing love will not be shaken!

Love you guys!