We are a community of believers endeavoring to live as God's people with Christ as the central focus of our lives.

What Won’t Be There – June 8, 2020

Weekly Prayer Letter, Monday, June 8, 2020

What Won’t Be There

In heaven there will be no more cancer, no fear, no rejection, no shame, no loneliness, no depression, no crutches, no wheelchairs, no pacemakers, no chemotherapy, no suicide bombers, no school shootings, no metal detectors, no persecution, no loss.

There’ll be no more middle-of-the-night phone calls, no child abuse, no rape, no tornados, typhoons, hurricanes, or earthquakes, no fighting, no bullying, no road rage, no racism, no addiction, no war, no crash diets, no gossip, no guilt, no legalism, no infertility, no infidelity, and no more insecurity.

Gone will be inoperable tumors, security systems, Amber Alerts, sleepless nights, bipolar disorders, doctors, taxes, plastic surgeons, politicians, abortions, elections, mortuaries, nursing homes, orphanages, waiting rooms, animal hospitals, treatment centers, courtrooms, broken homes, and slums.

In heaven there will be no more tear-stained divorce papers, pink slips, foreclosures, sadness, manipulation, scheming, lying, broken hearts, cruelty, hatred, violence, injustice, no more crying or pain and no more viruses, of any kind…for He, who is seated on the throne, said, “I am making all things new.”

New YouTube Video
: My Spiritual Journey:

Prayer Needs This Week…

  • National leaders who will rise up and promote unity on our country
  • Righteousness to flow like a river in our nation
  • No more hatred, division, partisanship, separation in America
  • COVID-19 virus to quickly and completely run its course
  • Safety for all houses of worship opening up again
  • Ministry in Thailand and Myanmar; Rolyn and girls starting college
  • Johnson Asare and the Radach Center in Ghana

Thanking God: for the full and complete recovery of Jackson, son of Monica Thompson, from COVID-19

Sending you all much love in Christ.

Pastor Jay