We are a community of believers endeavoring to live as God's people with Christ as the central focus of our lives.

The Excellencies of God 6/15/20

“But you are a Chosen Race, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a People for God’s own Possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9

I attended a Graham Cooke Conference a few years ago, and Graham posed this question, “If you could only do one thing in ministry for the rest of your life, what would that be?” We were to write our answer on a slip of paper. This is what I wrote: “The one thing I would do with the rest of my life is proclaim the excellencies of the Lord.” This is my passion. My greatest desire. My highest calling in life. To tell people how glorious God is. How beautiful and gracious and compassionate is our God. The perfect One. The transcendent One. The powerful One. The Lover of our souls. Blessed is His Name forever and ever.

Transition: As most of you know by now, I am moving on from Little Church in two weeks. I am carefully considering options right now for the next step. There’s lots I could do, but what is really on God’s heart for me? I want to be careful. Wise. Discerning. And slow to agree to anything. Really appreciate your prayers.

New YouTube Video:

New Zoom Bible Study: I am teaching a Monday evening Zoom Bible study on the book of Daniel, starting at 7 pm. It was a fun and invigorating study last week. Daniel is very much a Christ-like figure, uncompromising, and the most popular of the 14 prophets. A prophetic, fast-paced and interesting study. Email me for the zoom link.

Job Opportunity: A long-time business in Laguna is looking to hire a strong, young man, 18-29, able to carry heavy boxes and climb ladders, who is hard working. Christian environment. Call Lou Tartar at 949-444-9128

Current Prayer Needs…

  • Please pray for Nicholas (16) who will visit a clinic at UC Davis for his severe OCD issues which have only become exacerbated during Coronavirus quarantine. For him and his parents to have wisdom, discernment and compassion. May the medical personnel access his problem accurately and convince all to participate in the appropriate medical plan.
  • Prayer for Kathleen, who began very aggressive treatment for cancer a few weeks ago. Chemo and radiation have been difficult because she is so very sick. Both her red and white blood platelets are very low. Please pray for her blood levels and her will to survive… for God’s mercy, grace. And most importantly for her salvation.
  • A brother suffering from digestive issues during recent months who just underwent an endoscopy and colonoscopy. Please pray they will find the cause and solution to restore his life to normal.
  • Baby Maddi who now weighs 4 pounds after start out at 1.6lbs, dealing with eye problems.
  • Continued safety and protection for all of us, our families and church members from any virus.

Finally: “Courage is fear that has said its prayers”

Pastor Jay