We are a community of believers endeavoring to live as God's people with Christ as the central focus of our lives.

Is COVID-19 From God? 6/22/20

Is COVID-19 From God?

Some Christians have asserted this coronavirus pandemic has been sent by God as a judgment upon the earth. I don’t agree with that. What I do know is God will turn for good what is meant for evil and will work great things in the lives of those who look to Him.

Since the virus first became an issue in early March, I have seen a number of people recommit themselves to a renewed pursuit of God and to value in a much greater way the most important things in life – faith, family, friends. Stripped away have been so many things that used to occupy us, such as sports, concerts, traveling, etc.

What now? I believe we all need to be watching, staying spiritually alert. I sense there could be more shakings coming. That we are living in a very unpredictable time, that life is not going to return to the normal that we once knew. But this is not a dire warning. Always when the world has gotten darker, God suddenly arises and shines His light. There’s a lot of good coming.

Many intercessors and worshipers have been predicting a coming revival that will sweep the world. But I am hoping for more. I am hoping not for revival but for a Renaissance. Revival is bringing back to life something dying, which I feel describes the condition in much of the worldwide church. But I personally want something completely different. Acts 2 was not a revival of Old Testament religion. It was something fresh and new. The Reformation that birthed the true gospel was also completely new, a Renaissance.

So this is how I am praying. “Lord, in the chaos of this present world, arise and release something wonderful and powerfully new.”

New YouTube Video
: Coping With Failure

Scripture This Week: “For I am confident of this very thing that He who has begun a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 1:6

Next week will be my final prayer letter for Little Church by the Sea. I will continue writing but in a new and different format and with added features. It is not only a time of personal transition for me but also a writing transition. Know I so appreciate and love all of you who have enjoyed this letter.

Prayer Focus: Please pray for the future of – Church by the Sea and my future. Thank you.

Pastor Jay